"You didn't send me pictures like I asked naughty girl" I grabbed her jaw forcing her to look at me

"I said I was busy" she pouted exaggeratedly

"Busy with what is my question" I rubbed my thumb over her velvety bottom lip

"Asher" she smiled "I was helping him paint his place"

I raised an eyebrow "so you ignored me for ash tray?"

She shook her head "no I was covered in paint and it was the first time I got to hang with him in a long time... I think he's having a rough patch at the moment" she frowned deeply "all my friends are gone but him Harry..." she put her hand on my chest "Grey has a new girl and Venus can't get over him so I can't be around either of them Michelle moved away Asher... just hasn't been out his house or work in a long time I hope he's okay and I had to go make sure"

I frowned she did seem genuinely concerned I nodded and rubbed her arm "okay darlin well.. I hope he's okay then too, for your sake"

"Thanks" she laid her head on my shoulder

"Why don't you try and make more friends mm?" I suggested rubbing her side

"I like Marcel he seems great" I groaned quietly

"Preferably female friends" I added

She giggled lightly drawing patterns with her nail on my chest her hand tucked inside my blazer "mmm I'll try I guess"

"I could get you pregnant and you could join one of those mommy to be groups" I teased she laughed and shook her head

"Oh we can get married too and I could join a newly weds club or maybe a book club" she played along

"Brilliant let's start now" I kissed her laughing

I glared at the waiter as he set down our food only because he interrupted our fun

I looked back at what mattered "I should get you a tiara" I ran my fingers through her thick chocolatey colored hair "so everyone knows you're my princess"

"Oh I'm not apposed to that" she smirked

"Of course not maybe something for that oral fixation of yours too"

"Your fingers I think those work perfectly fine" she bit her lip

"Oh yes your completely right how could I be so silly" I hummed smelling our food I licked my lips looking from my plate to her "why don't I feed you?"

"I dunno why don't you?"

I expected something along those lines actually it was milder than what I expected I fed her a bite then one did myself I moaned watching her lick her lips I gave her her water too when she asked

Soon she stole the fork and started to feed me

"Open up" I shook my head keeping my lips sealed "dadddddyyyyyy open!" She whined "its gunna drip on me!" she started to bounce in my lap

I groaned at her bouncing and she forced the pasta in my mouth I laughed chewing

"How disgusting" I turned to see who had the balls but I knew, I knew that voice

"Bonica" I growled "I'm trying to enjoy my food so I'll need you to go, how did you know I was here to begin with?"

She took Alexis's seat "nice to see you at the least and Angel told me" I wasn't playing games with her

"let's go princess" I stood up Alexis standing with me she looked between her and I but went along with it I texted my driver we were done and to hurry here

"So you're the new slut" Alexis turned back at Bonica's insult

"Baby girl leave it" I encouraged she looked at me and rolled her eyes letting me tug her with me

"Baby girl? How come this fat bitch gets a different name?" Bonica followed us

Alexis snapped her head toward her once again and I had to wrap my arm around her shoulders to keep her whole body from turning "ignore her she's jealous you're my new girl that's it"

Alexis started to grind her teeth together I pulled her to the desk paying our bill it only made it worse when the girl said she'd have to go get out waitress because she hadn't made the receipt yet

"Fat and ugly she can't make you happy not like I can" Alexis just had her arms crossed

"Thank you for being the bigger person baby" I praised kissing Alexis's head rubbing her back

"You're right she is the bigger person in fact the biggest person"

"SHUT UP BONICA" I snapped "just shut up most of you isn't even real" I scowled at her

"Whatever you'll never have better than me" she crossed her arms

"Never is a short time for you" I could recall her telling me she'd never do a few things she's done

"Look if you like wet back Mexicans you've lost your taste"

Alexis spun around "YOU  IGNORANT PETTY WHITE BITCH JUST BECAUSE IM HISPANIC DOESNT MEAN IM MEXICAN IM VENEZUELAN!" She followed that with a string of Spanish curse words I only caught madre which I knew meant mother so connecting dots I gathered one of those insults she called Bonica a mother fucker

Bonica was obvious shocked and had nothing to say I gasped when she just spat at Alexis

Alexis swung at her smacking her across the face grabbing her hair yanking it I picked up Alexis putting her over my shoulder just leaving 40 dollars on the desk and ran out with Alexis still yelling


Thank god my driver was here I put her in the car and she still tried to crawl out over me I closed the door behind me I wiped her chest with my sleeve

"I'm sorry darlin calm down please?"


I nodded and grabbed her hands "yes but we can't look you did really well with that you deserve a treat baby You'll get something nice when we get home okay?"

She nodded huffing angry "yes Harry whatever"

"I'm proud to call you my princess"

She shrugged rolling her eyes "you should be you're lucky"

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