Chapter 3: The Fall and Rise

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I laugh, reveling in my vessel's power. Her claws scratch and break the ground, forcing molten crystal to the surface. Her piercing roar rings out, like a songbird's call. I marvel at her beauty; truly a thing to behold. I hear my vessel's thoughts echo from a distance to my ears. "Finally we can find that human you call your heir. I will allow you to use my body for the greater Queen."


The Admiral and I exchange glances, both full of excitement and dread. I run aroundits side, the Admiral leaping up to the front of the animal. It glances at both of us, deciding that my partner's larger blades are the main threat. I grin at its foolishness. I reach the beast's ankle, squinting at the blindingly blue glow before jumping up. I flip in the air, directing my body weight onto my blades. They rake against the delicate scales, the dragon screaming out. I spin, directing my special attack onto the front claw, the strong bones shining through the transparent skin. I glance over at the Admiral. His two blades gleam red, a stark contrast to the creature's glowing jaws.

Finishing my attack, I rush forward again, spinning and hitting both front claws, the dragon cawing out again. I watch out of the corner of my eyes at the Admiral jumps, directing both of his great swords into the beast's skull, both of them ringing out against the tough scales. A cry answers his efforts, blue blood starting to drip from the animal. He laughs out loud, obviously enjoying the sight of a victorious hit.

I similarly jump, clashing my metal claws against the dragon's side, its wings tearing with my slashes. I watch as they try to open, the translucent membrane glowing. They sweep open, their length flinging me into the crystal wall. Groaning, I roll back into the arena, chugging a health potion, some of the green liquid falling onto the ground, sliding into the cracks. I hear the Admiral's sword bounce off sharp scales, the ringing unbalancing me and forcing me onto my knees. I thrust my blade into the ground, the arena sliding slightly as the dragon rears up, crashing back into the ground. My hand gropes at my waist, clutching onto the body of my bow. I nock an arrow into the string, aiming for the glowing, red chest. I concentrate on my shot, now crouching. I spin, dragging the tip against the ground, charging my Dragon Piercer. I grin as the beast looks over at me,its mouth glowing with energy. It opensits maw, my glowing arrow now forcibly being ripped out of my hand.

I watch as it flies through the body of the dragon, more blood splattering the ground. The creature falters, crying out into the night.

You fool. It growls into my mind. I shake its threat off, running towardsits head. Its teeth gleam, the blood now frothing at the mouth. I unleash my double blades again, the creature being no where near to death. I frown to myself, how'd I know that? The Admiral similarly unleashes a devastating attack, his swords making up for their speed in damage. I roll away as the dragon rears up onto its hind legs, their whole body now glowing.

As it crashes into the ground it releases a beam of energy from its mouth, the white hot blast only barely missing my body. I breathe deeply, looking up just in time, grabbing a life powder from my belt; as its attack ceases it rushes towards me with its muscled shoulder, crushing my body up against the wall. I grin at it, flinging the powder over me. I breathe in a deep breath, my crushed ribs now mending themselves. The creature leaps back, the Admiral's blades slicing it's back as it moves. It screams, it's beastly howl echoing across the cavern. I jump towards it off the wall, my blades now slicing its back further. I stand beside the Admiral again, both of our faces plastered with sweat. We smile at each other, dodging away from each other as the energy beam sweeps across the arena, forcing the crystal to crack and shatter. I cover my eyes and blades, protecting them from the sharp shards. As the dragon forces another beam from its maw, directed at the Admiral, I rip a whetstone from my belt, running it across my blades' edges, their gleam becoming brighter.

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