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Hi every one ink here im so sorry but im going to end it here and im going to make a new book but i dont know what kind of book so i need ideas form you

blue: yeah!!! its going to be funnnnnn!!!!!!!!

dream: blue your not suppoes to be in here *tacks blue some were els* (i know im a bad speller)

any way!! so sorry again but it can be any book but i want you guys to help me it can be a vampire one or like a one shot book im stilling thinking so i need you help!!! I would love to also do any kind of book just tell me and thank you every stay determination and be creative!!!!

error: w-w-wait and don't you askers s-s-say a-a-anything stupid!!!

blue: error thats not very nice!!!

fell: ughh this is such bullsh**

blue: fell!!! manners!!!

ok we are ending it here bye every one!!

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