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ok every one we got another one!!

Fresh: that's radical 

Sansy-ton33:Question/Dare for everybody: What is the one thing you metaphorically can't live without and what would happen if I took that thing away for 10 minutes?

Question for everybody: What does everybody think about ships that don't involve their crush?Question in general: Where the flip is Nightmare?Magic Trick: The future offsprings (ex. Paperjam, Goth, Lux) suddenly appear and you only have 1-3 hours. What does everybody do?

Error: this is long ok we will j-j-j-just do one by one

ok umm i can't live with out sketching so i will just ..........throw up ink and tried to not think about it  *all my supplies are gone* MY ART SUPPLIES NO!!!!!!!! AGHH WAHT SHOULD I DO!!!NO!!!!!!

error: i really don't care so nothing

geno: i have noting as well so ........

fresh: well brosiky i can't live with out my skateboard or else im bored so that's uncool then im going to fine something radical to do then *the skateboard disappear* that's uncool brosky well know what im sooo bored this unrade!!! 

Sci: i can't live with out doing any science experiments or i will just freak out *all of his sciences experiments are gone* NOOOO!!!!!

reaper: i can't live with out my Sickle i like to kill things with it *it then disappear for 10 minutes*.....WHAT THE WERE DID IT GO!!!!

dream: i can't live with out  my bow i like to shoot the targets *then bow disappears* MY BOW!!!!

Outer: i can't live  with out my fluffy sweater (im not sure about Outer sooooo) *the sweater disappears* NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!

Blue: I can't live with out making taco's *all his taco recipe disappears * NOOO WHY!!!!!!! T^T *tears up* ehhhhhhhhhhhhh

fell: i can't live with out my brother *smiles*  (he thinks if he say's that his brother will disapper) ........ ugh i can't live with out my mustard *holding his mustard then it disappears* NOOOOOO!!!!!!! MY MUSTARD!!!!!!!!

San: heh *drinking his ketchup but it disappears* NOOOO MY KETCHUP!!!!!

 (10 minutes later every one's stuff has gone back to them)

Sansy-tone33: Question in general: Where the flip is Nightmare?

(nightmare in his castle)

nightmare: im right here in my castle were did you think i was?

killer: *sharping his knife*

Sansy-ton33: Question for everybody: What does everybody think about ships that don't involve their crush?

oh like the one with me and nightmare EWWWWWW!!!!!

error: i really HATE IT!!!!!

outer: i don't like it!!!!

fell: i hate it so much i could kill it

Fresh: its really unrade it's uncool brosky 

Sci: i really don't like it!!

Sany-ton33: Magic Trick: The future offsprings (ex. Paperjam, Goth, Lux) suddenly appear and you only have 1-3 hours. What does everybody do?

reaper: awww hi there goth

goth: um...hi your my dad were is my mom geno

geno: WAIT WHAT!!!!!!!?!??!?! *3 minutes later*

geno: aww your so much fun lets go

fresh: *blushes* h-hey there brosky nice to meet ya

pj: oh hello you look really cool

awww you look so cute

pj: oh hello mom

oh my god im a mom

pj: yes were is dad ......error!!

*blushing* wait what i had a kid with error *throws up ink*

pj: MOM!?!?!??

fresh: don't worry brosky she is fine ok she is just shock 

pj: *hugs fresh* thank you mr fresh

fresh: y-your welcome kid *blushes a little and his glasses say 'cute'*

error: so pj is my and who's kid

fresh: you and ink bruh

error:.......*glitches out* 

o-ok im ok know wow um hi pj 

pj: *hugs ink* hi mom you the best

*has star eyes* awwwwww

Lux: hi

dream: oh hello

Lux: its great to see you mom

dream: w-what

Lux: yeah your my mom and my dad is cross

dream:..........oh my god h-how did this happen *blushes* i had a kid with cross!!

cross: hm? dream you ok 

Lux: oh hello dad

cross: oh who is the mom Lux

Lux: dream *smiles*

cross: *blushes* o-oh um d-dream l-looks like we had a kid oh my god t-this is...AWESOME!!!

dream: yeah it is and you look very pretty Lux

Lux: *smiles* thank you

Outer: awww that's cool

san: yeah it is 

(an 3 hours past they all went away and dream and ink are crying because they wanted more time)


OMG GUYS!!!!! sorry this took me so long im sorry but this was sooo much fun!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH (Sansy-ton33)!!! IM A VERY HAPPY PEOPLE ARE READING THIS I REALLY THOUGHT NO ONE WILL WOW THANK EVERY ONE SO MCUH!!!!!!!

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