Welcome, it's Angie

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Hiya!! I'm Angie D. Velvet but as you are so wonderful and I love you so much for reading this, you can call me Angie. Most people recognize me as well as A because of my "-A" signature haha.

If you speak English, I hope you like this work (which is basically for me to stress out as a teenager) and my next ones!! I'm already working in a shadowhunter fanfic and an original romance novel :) BUT si hablas Español ( English readers just skip till next paragraph) entonces espero que ya me conozcas y hayas leído la saga de HP LHHP, si no...¿A qué esperas? Vete de aquí y lee mi obra en Español. Os quiero.

English people, pay attention to me again, please....I hope you read this and keep reading because I think you're gonna love it ;) Comment and vote if you want to, It would be a pleasure to read them.



(those who don't know me, there you have the '-A' signature haha)

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