"Rude," I stated as she sashayed into the cafeteria. That girl just gets on my nerves. I shuddered and resumed stuffing my locker with my books and binders. After finishing, I joined Hailey and Pilar in our usual table for lunch. I told them about Aubrey.

"So, are you gonna tell him?" Pilar asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I replied.

"Maybe you like him and you are using Jack to make him jealous," Hailey suggested.

"What!?" I asked, "How could you even say something like that? I like Jack, and I'm happy with him."

"Chill," Hailey said, "I was just kidding."

"En fin," Pilar said, "Go tell him."

"Now?" I said, "I'm eating right now, I can't. But as soon as I finish I'll go talk to him."

"Ahora." Pilar threw me her death look and I just nodded cautiously before standing up and walking up to Noah. Thankfully, Jack was sitting with Noah, so he wouldn't think something weird is up.

"Hey," I greeted all the guys with a small wave. They just nodded or replied with a 'hello'.

"What's up?" Jack asked, "Is something wrong?" It's so cute he gets worried like that. No! Amanda, focus, just focus.

"No, don't worry," I replied and then turned to Noah, "Aubrey wants you to reply to her texts. Don't ask." I turned around and walked back to my table.

"I'm never delivering messages again," I stated, "Ever."

"Hey, at least you got it over with," Pilar said.

"Oh my god, Pilar," Hailey said, "Did you paint that shirt?" She pointed to the shirt Pilar had on with a really cool design of a lion roaring.

"Yes, I did."

"You should paint one of my shirts someday," I said.

"And some of mine," Hailey added, "That's so cool."

"Trying to impress anybody?" I smirked.

"Maybe," Pilar replied as she tossed a strand of her blond hair behind her shoulder.

"Ooh," Hailey said, "So, who's the lucky guy?"

"He is sitting with Jack."

"No way!" I said, "You like Noah?"

"What? No!" she replied, "The green eyed guy, I don't even know his name, but he is really cute."

"You like Alex?" Hailey asked.

"If it's the green eyed guy, then yes, I like Alex."

"The good news, he is cute," Hailey admitted, "The bad news is that he had this on-off relationship with his ex."


"Well, maybe he is not serious," Hailey explained. Pilar shrugged.

"Not all high school relationships last," she said, "No me importa."

*          &          *

"Is Tyler picking you up?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," I replied, "Don't worry, I'll call you if he doesn't show up." He nodded and brushed his lips against mine. I smiled and just blushed awkwardly.

"You are so cute," a fake high pitched voice behind me said. I turned around to look at where the voice had come from and, obviously, Noah was standing there, leaning against the wall with his hands on his pockets and his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Did you just say that?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" I just burst into laughter as he smirked.

"That was a pretty good imitation of Hailey," I complimented him.

"Thanks, I tried my best."

"You are #CoupleGoals," he added.

"Okay, stop," I said in between giggles, "That's just too much."

"What? You can't have too much of me," Noah said.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Arrogant."

"I'm not arrogant," he said, "I'm just telling you what you already know."

"And what's that?" I teased.

"That I'm hot." I coughed and he just smirked.

"Suuree," I said, "If that's what you think, but Sa-" I coughed again.

"But what?" he asked.

"Nothing." I then heard a honk, coming from Tyler's car. "Look at that, I have to go, see you tomorrow." I turned around and started to walk quickly towards the red mustang.

"There's no school tomorrow!" Noah shouted behind me.

"Whatever!" I shouted back. I got inside Tyler's car and sighed. As we passed Noah getting onto his motorcycle, he turned his lips into a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Guess what?" Tyler suddenly asked.

"What?" I replied.

"Someone's coming from California."

"Oh my god! Who?" I asked and before he could reply, I added, "Is it Kimberly? It's been so long since the last time I saw her!" Kim was an old friend of mine. She was Hailey's cousin, we were older than her, but we were really good friends.

"No, it's not Kim," Tyler said, "In a few weeks, for Winter break, Sam is coming!"

"No way," I said, "You're kidding, right?"

"He is coming," he reassured.

"Please tell me this is a joke!"

"What? Aren't you glad you'll be able to see him? Isn't he your friend?"

"Friend? Seriously?" I asked, "I hate him."

"Why? Last time I checked you were best friends," he said.

"Yeah, when I was eight years old," I said, "We dated as juniors and then broke up a few months before we came to live here. We are not on the best terms right now. How did you find out he was coming anyway?"

"He texted me," Tyler said, "He said that you had apparently changed your number."

"I did," I said, "As soon as I moved here. Just a stupid shot at trying to forget my life back in California, including Sam."

"What happened between the two of you?" Tyler asked.

"We had this huge fight."

"And what was the fight about?" he pressured me.

"He cheated on me, Tyler!" I blurted out, "I sweared to never trust guys again, and look at me, I have a boyfriend."

"What made you change your mind?"

"Jack in general did," I said, "I just know he is different." This was so weird, talking about guys to my brother when I should be discussing this with Hailey, or Riley, or even Pilar. Tyler just nodded and we fell into silence. I looked out the window and wondered again. I was not looking forward to seeing Sam again. I was not ready, and since I was with Jack it was gonna be awkward as fuck. Let's just hope it turns out for the best!

Who am I kidding? This was gonna be a huge nightmare.

*          &          *

Thank you so much for +800 reads!!! I would have never thought that my book would get so many reads!

Chapter 20, wow. This is crazyyyyyy!!!!!

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