Ending one (sad)

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The child sat in his tent and cried. He cried for the past and the person he would now have to become. An argument had broken out between David and Max. "No way I'm going to 'make it up' to that freak! I didn't do anything!" They were arguing very loud and a crying Neil could hear him from the tent. "I guess I was right. I'll always be stupid space kid..." He mumbled. Was this to be his legacy? With a heavy, broken heart he gathered up his old suit and helmet. There was no going back. He walked to the lake and dumped the thing he idolized, his aspiration in this world, his dreams into the darkened of the water, never to be seen again. He stopped himself from letting any more tears escape his eyes. He snuck back to himself and drifted into dreams were he would no longer have to be 'just space kid' or 'the other neil'. He could be every part of himself. He liked to believe that perhaps on some distant planet, there he'd be. Living the life he always wanted. But he would never know... Because he never went to another planet, let alone space.He woke up the next morning as early as he could, and told Gwen he'd like to call his parents so he could go home. That morning he sat at the much room patiently waiting to leave, it was breakfast so everyone else showed up eventually. He was gives odd looks and worried whispers from all over the room. He eventually put his head down. The other camps thought it best to leave him be today. He left around mid day and once Neil left it raised a few questions as to were he was. The simple responce given by Gwen was "Well you little shits, he fucking left. Good job!" His parents were upset by his shift in behavior but there was nothing they could do. It was out of there control. He dropped everthing about space and even convinced his parents to switch schools. There he lived as Neil. Not space kid. Although he never stopped loving space. He'd stay up way past his bedtime to look at the stars, just as he always had. But now he was Neil. The Neil that would work at a normal office job, and live an normal life. Sure, he'd no longer take the brunt of jokes or have his name forgotten in a regular basis. Yet there always a feeling in his gut that he was never supposed to be bound to one planet, yet he would never know all because his problems were thought to have been solved one he had "Stop shooting for the star's"

Authors note: okay I made myself cry writing this so I've decided to make a happy version too, because I'm a sissy and I need my space boy to be happy.

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