Just give up

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No-longer space kid drew the planners calmly like all the other kids. He didn't make a big deal about it and finished strong. Maybe he could actully do this. The activity had ended at this point. "Thank God" he said to himself leaving. Some people gave him a weird look due to this but he didn't care! He figured if he made it back to his tent he would be able to be space kid for just a little bit before retreating back to the real world. "Hey, space nerd!" Nurf called out to him. "Uh actually I go by Neil I have a name..." He responded almost sarcastically. Nurf was a little drawn back from this but didn't back down. "Why aren't you wearing your dumb little costume?" He asked. It took Neil a moment to think of the cover story he made up.. "Oh, right! I uh.. Grew out of it?" He said. "You lookthe same size to me!" Nurf responded. Ex Space kid, realsizing his choice of words corrected "emotionally!" Nurf looked angery "WELL MAYBE IF MY DAD HAD STUCK AROUND I'D BE ANLE TO REALISE EMOTIONS!" He then punched his fellow camper in the stomach which hurt a lot more due to regular clothes. He brushed it off like he always does and continued on his way. It was almost time for dinner and or was starting to get dark. "Thank God, I might just be able to make it through today. And if I make to through today whats stopping me from living this way from now on?" He thought to himself as he walked around camp. He didn't exactly know what to do because normally he'd pretend to be at Mars but now that he's trying to get away. From the reputation he had he honestly had no idea what to do. He just wandered around camp until dinner. There he began to eat his food until he was interrupted, yet again, by his fellow campers. "Space kid, why are you going this out of character?" Preston asked. Before space kid could answer Nurf yelled "Space nerd is acting normal for once." Making Preston flinched and braced himself. This made Nurf look down and stay quiet unit dinner was over. "I guess there still getting over egg day.." Ex space kid thought to himself. The majority of Dinner from that point on was peaceful, yet empty. He was beginning to realise how boring earth was by itself. Towards the end of dinner Max came up to him. "Okay Space kid, what the fuck?" At first He didn't know what to say eventually deciding on  "Actully it's Neil." Other Neil overheard and said "No, my name is Neil" "So is mine!" "It is?" "Yeah, why do you get a name and I don't!" "Shut it!" Max interrupted stopping the confusing argument. "You kniw what if your really over this space thing, after dinner, take off your helmet." Max Smirked. Space Neil was in shock. "W-what?" He shuddered. "Take your helmet off." He responded. "He's just trying to get me to go back to being stupid space kid, I'll show him." It took Ex space kid a moment but then he replied "Fine." As if it were his last world. Max was confused at first, not expecting a responce but promptly stated "Good." The rest of dinner seamed to have flashed by. Soon all the kids began to pile out the door to dick around a little before bed. Neil was the last to leave, try being along to the lake were, sure enough, max was waiting at. He walk down and greeted them. "H-hey by- buds!" This was one of the only times they had heard space ki-- Neil nervious. He hesitantly pulled off his helmet. The moment the oxygen out his face He wanted to gag. He had to remind himself he was still on earth so it was okay. As much as he hated to immid it he wanted his helmet, and his suit, and his toys. He dropped the helmet to the ground and walked away. Max was honestly kinda impressed. "Heh, didn't know he had it in him." Other Neil was very worried "it could be a nerve malfunction in the brain triggering all this!" He said. Mimi looked confused "Man it's weird seeing space kid not all blue." Space kid ran back to his tent. He flipped face first into his pillow as began to bawl his eyes out. He couldn't do this, He would never be a normal kid! How could he let this happen? He's been the brunt of everyones jokes sence forever! He still couldn't breathe. He found a spare helmet and imminently put it on. He eventually calmed down and took it off. He then later down and went to sleep.

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