Gifts and Regrets

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Leah rose clearly satisfied with herself. She had finally gotten herself a fairy god parent. Finding herself a suitor would now be so much easier now that she had a fairy. Now she could start the next part. But there were still somethings that she had to do.

She opened the doors to her bedroom. She saw the attendant waiting there with the pouch in hand. She took it from his hands.

"You are to wait outside the doors of my office until further notice. Dismissed."

The boy turned away and Leah brought the pouch inside the bedroom. She brought the red velvet bag and brought it down to the vanity. Moon peered over the princess's shoulders.

"What it is, your Grace?"

"Something that might be useful later to me later. There is a gala happening tonight. I have every reason to believe that the governor's son intends to attempt to wed me soon."

"Why so soon? Have you not only been here but for a few weeks?"

"I have but the Governor of Adhara and her husband are one of only two governors that do not have a direct blood relation to the throne. She risks falling out of favor with my mother."

Moon paused, absorbing the information. "I see, but how does this relate to the pouch?"

"The boy gave me this as a present of his affections. In accepting it, I planted the idea that I was open to be wed to him."

Moon looked at the pouch. It seemed like a rather unfair for the princess to be in this situation. However, Moon hoped the princess would be smarter than to put herself at risk by accepting this gift. What was it anyway? It had to be important. She could feel some sort of energy pulsing off of it. It was definitely related to the Fae. She could feel that much. However, she would need to look at it directly to tell more.

She reached for the pouch, pausing as if to ask permission. Leah slid the bag over for Moon to inspect. She opened it and reached in.

A gloved hand connected with smooth metal. She pulled out what appeared to be a medallion of some sort. It seemed rather thick. The smooth back of the metal bore no crest. There was a small knob at the top, so she pressed it. The face popped open, revealing symbols in the Canian's language and three small hands the pointed to the symbols. One of them moving quite quickly around the circle. If she listened closely, she could here small ticks coming from within the medallion. Moon stood, transfixed on the small object. She had never seen anything like it.

"What is it?"

"It's a pocket watch, it keeps the time. Several of the wealthier manors have much larger versions in the main rooms, but I have never seen one this small before."

"How does it run?" Moon paused, correcting herself "my grace."

"The larger ones run with gears, wieghts, and springs" Moon did not know what some of those things were but she did not want to interrupt. "This one runs differently, turn it over."

Moon obliged. When she first had felt the watch she had noticed that the back was raised in the center. She thought nothing of it at the time. She turned it over and nearly dropped it. There was a glowing almond shaped crystal on the back. It was yellow in color and surrounded by a golden trim. Moon touched a gloved finger to the top of the gem and it started glowing. Moon dropped the watch.

"Oh dear, oh dear." She covered her mouth. "Witch-Hazel, what did they do to you?"

Leah turned to stare at the fairy on the ground. "I beg your pardon?"

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