t h i r t y - s e v e n

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No sound is made by the people landing on the deck of the ship. Elana shoots the one man who was holding a gun in Steve's direction.
"Thanks," he nods.
"You seemed completely helpless without me," Elana grins in return. "What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems nice."
"Secure the engine room, then find me a date," Steve grins.
"I'm multitasking!" she defends, jumping over the railings and dropping down onto a small ledge. She hears talking a little way down and so she follows the sound. She sees a guy talking on one of the connected phones and wanders up. He turns and finds her standing there casually.
"Hey, sailor," she says flirtatiously, batting her eyelids. The man sends her an appreciative smirk before she pulls out a part of her utility belt with a strong wire attached. She wraps it around his neck and pulls him towards the railing, using him as a way to hold herself up and stop her just jumping off the edge. She pulls out her guns and shoots as she is lowered slowly by the belt's mechanisms. She silently thanks Tony for his innovative gadgets. She shoots seven times, taking out six soldiers before landing above a body of one. Two more soldiers are below it, though and she knows it. She puts one gun on each side and fires two bullets from each. She hears the thuds of bodies and smiles victoriously.

She swings around the railings and runs down the railings quickly and silently, not alerting anyone else to her presence. She sees another three pirates stood around near the entrance and, without so much as flinching, she fire bullets through all of them. She continues on. As she goes to turn a corner, she's yanked backwards by her hair. She hisses in pain before kicking backwards and letting her heel collide with the kneecap of whoever is behind her. The person releases her hair and stumbles backwards. Her kick wasn't hard enough to incapacitate them, though. She whips around, fury in her eyes and sees the man in less-than-perfect condition tactical gear. She scoffs.
"They call you a pirate?" she asks incredulously before swinging for his head. He ducks and returns the punch. Elana catches his hand and twists his arm easily. She hears a crunch and smiles, kicking the man backwards into the wall of the ship. She pulls out a knife and stabs him easily.

She jumps off the edge of the railing again, dropping down onto a railing that leads directly to the engine room. One pirate is there and she is taking him by surprise. She runs up behind him just as Steve decides to check in.
"Status, Elana?"
Just as she gets to the man, she shouts back into her wrist communicator. "Hang on!" It was harsher than she intended, but she is busy.

She jumps up as the man swings around to see her, wrapping her legs around his shoulders and hanging onto him like a sloth to a branch. He is unable to shake her off, despite his best efforts. Grabbing her two batons with her spare hands, she electrocutes the man mercilessly. He falls to the floor and Elana lands seamlessly and tucks her batons back away before launching into another attack as another man comes barrelling around the corner.

The man moves to hit her, but she kicks him between the legs before he can. She flips herself around his shoulders and brings him crashing to the floor expertly. A third person joins the fight, grabbing Elana from behind as she executes the move on the second. She headbutts him blindly, keeping her balance as the man stumbles. The second man climbs to his feet, clearly unsteady and Elana crouches and takes out his feet with a perfectly executed sweeping kick. To keep the third guy off of her, she extends both legs before kicking upwards and around, her foot connecting with the other man's face with a crunch.
"Elana!" Steve sounds more irritated this time.
"Busy," she grunts in the general direction of the radio, kicking the second man down permanently before grabbing a metal pole and smacking the third man around the head. She drops the pole noisily and brings her wrist communicator up to her face.
"Engine room secure," she replies, barely breathing heavily. She looks around, realising nobody else is around and makes her way to the communications room.

She sees Natasha already in there, but she's busy fighting some other pirates off. Elana joins the fray, ignoring both Rumlow and Steve on the com. Elana shoots one of the men Natasha is fighting from behind, getting a grateful glance from the red head as she continues with the other man. Elana gets to the computer and plugs her memory drive in and beginning to type. She begins downloading the information as Natasha beats the final pirate.
"Nice," Elana nods before Steve comes crashing through the window to the computer lab.
"Well, this is awkward," Natasha says, her eyes switching between Elana and Steve.
"What are you two doing?" Steve demands, looking over the memory drive and the computer.
"Backing up the hard drive. Good habit," Elana mutters, typing a couple more key words.
"Rumlow needed your help. What the Hell are you doing here?" Steve asks, walking over to the computer where Elana is working. Natasha tries to block his path, asking a half-assed question about Rumlow's position to which Steve answers with 'where he's supposed to be' before pushing her out of his way. He peers over Elana's shoulder and gives her an incredulous look.
"You're saving S.H.I.E.L.D. intel?"
"Anything we can get our hands on," Elana replies grimly.
"Our mission is to rescue hostages," Steve states. She pulls the memory drive out and tucks it back into the pocket, smiling slightly at Steve.
"No, that's your mission. Which, may I say, you've completely beautifully," Elana says sweetly, patting his shoulder as she goes to move past him.
"You two just jeopardised this entire mission," Steve states angrily, grabbing Elana's arm and stopping her from leaving. She wrenches her arm from his grasp with a venomous look.
"I wouldn't go that far..." Natasha begins to defend. Just as she says this, Batroc throws a grenade at the three. Elana catches it before it blows up and throws it back at him with a slight grin. It blows up on the deck, and she doesn't see Batroc leaving.
"I definitely wouldn't go that far," Elana nods. Steve glares at the two before storming out angrily.

"He's pissed," Elana states.
"He's going to go and see Fury."
"Dammit, Rogers!" she yells after the Super Soldier.

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