chapter 12

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Jess' POV
A month later

It has been a month now and my dad has passed away. After my dads death my mom became depressed and stopped caring about me. Luke is now the only light in my life and soon enough I will be moving home... alone. Luke and I have been having trouble keeping in contact but we make it work.

Another month later

I am finally moving back to Australia and I couldn't be happier! I finally get to see Luke after these past rough months.
I pack my bags and I leave for the airport without looking back.
" I sure as hell won't miss this place..." I mumble as I get in the back of my uber

Once I arrive at the airport i get out my passport and get my ticket from the airline desk!
I text Luke to tell him im on my way... I know he won't recieve until the morning because it is 10:30 in america right now and he is supposed ot be sleeping....
To: Dr.Fluke:  hey babe!xx im at the airport right now waiting for my plane I can't wait to see you! I know your sleeping right now but just know that I miss you like crazy and I will see you soon! Love you *heart emoji*
As I put my headphones in my gate number is called to start boarding the plane! Now that I have a 14 hour flight ahead of me i decide to take a nap to let the time pass by.

14 hours and one long plane ride later
I had slept the whole plane ride but I was now well rested and ready to see Luke. I had missed him so much while I was gone.
So I got into my uber and went right to the Hemmings' house to suprise Luke... I never thought it would've ended how it did.

Lukes POV'

I was so over not being able to talk to Jess and not being able to do things i wanted to do because Jess wasnt here, so I got myself a little to drunk and I invited (a/n plz dont kill me for this) my ex Arzaylea over. Little did I know that day was gonna go a lot differenetly than drunk Luke had planned....
When Arz arrived she was acting a flirty and everything and I being drunk took advantage of that and we went to my room we started doing somethings and than i heard my bedroom door open and Jess was standing there mouth wide open and tear filled eyes.
" Jess...." i said in shock
" Jess its not like that... Im extremely drunk Im still not sure why I invited her here."
" Screw you Luke! I cannot believe you of all people would do this to me! Don't ever talk to me again!" Jess said as she stormed out with tears in her eyes
I groaned and went back to my room where Arzaylea was. "Go home arzaylea, I'm not really sure why you're still here."
Arzaylea left and I laid in bed and cried.
I tried to call Jess but she denied my calls...I never even got to tell her that Ash, Mikey, Cal, and I were going on tour with One Direction who is her favorite band....She was gonna get to come too!

Jess' POV

I ran home tears streaming down my face, my vision was blurred, I ran into the street no stopping until I was on the floor fading into the darkness.

Luke's POV

I got a call from Jess' phone... I answered immediately
" hi is this luke?" a shaken voice replied
" um yes is everything okay?"
"Umm not really whoever's phone this is was just hit by a car... I called you because you were the last person she called"
"okay call her an ambulance and i will meet her at the hospital."
I have never ran so fast to get somewhere, where I wouldn't be wanted.

Hello Friends, I am sorry its taking me so long to update! I have been Really busy recently with school and sports and everything! I will update again soon...dont kill me for putting arzaylea in here bc ik it kills me too! I promise everything will get better you just have to wait, but for now enjoy this little cliffhanger! You will know more soon enough.

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