❀Chapter 10❀

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Mom and I's flight landed about 20 minutes ago, and jetlag is a fucking bitch. I slept for a good ninety percent of the flight, which really helped my lack of sleep the past few days.

Mom and I picked up our luggage from pickup and just waited in the lobby. Mom's looking up hotels that are available to stay at temporarily until we can find a small house to call our new home.

But I know very well I'm never going to be able to call this place home.

"Hey honey, I found one. It's nice looking, at least on the outside. Let's go take a look."

"Um, Mom, transportation?" I asked, shaking my head. Staying here is going to be harder than I thought.

"Oh shit, yeah. Actually, I had arranged a car for rent, until we can buy one ourselves," She sighed, typing away on her phone.

I sighed also, deciding it would be a good time to tell Luke we got here safely.

To Dickhead Boyfriend: Just landed, miss you already *heart emoji*

Someone help me. This is going to be hell.

"Jeffery dropped off the car out front, let's go," Mom said, grabbing her suitcases.

"Who the hell is Jeffery?" I asked, picking up my suitcases as well.

"The manager of the car rentals. Come on," She urged, moving out of the sliding doors to the car. It was a white Honda Tuscan, and it was actually pretty nice.

"Get in. And Jeffery, thanks for dropping it off. I really appreciate it. Do you need a ride back to the shop?" Mom asked politely, handing him a five dollar tip.

"No thank you ma'am. I'll take the bus," Jeffery replied, flashing his pearly whites.

"Alright. Good day," Mom said in a hurry, grabbing the keys out of his hand and hopping into the drivers seat.

"Shotgun!" I yelled, getting into the passengers seat. I closed the door and made myself comfortable into the seat.

"You're the only one here besides me Jess," she sighed, turning the key into the ignition and the car turned on.

"Don't ruin my fun Mom," I said, buckling my seatbelt.

"Whatever," she shook her head.

I chuckled, and then I remembered why we were here.

"How's Dad?" I asked.

Mom exhaled, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I don't know, the doctors haven't updated me about anything, but he arrived at the hospital."

"Oh," was all I said.

We drove in silence, the radio mute. I watched the buildings pass by, my thoughts uncomfortably blank.

We came to halt after Mom parked in the hotel parking lot behind the building.

I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Give it a chance, besides it's not like we're here to have a vacation. Stop being selfish and remember why we are here, okay? I hate to be harsh, but we are here for your father. I'm sorry about Luke, you two should never have been separated. You two are brother and sister at heart, but your father is blood. You two will see each other again, I promise," Mom said, pulling me into a hug, running her fingers through my hair.

"You think so?" I whispered.

"I know so," she whispered back.

I nodded, pulling away from the hug. I looked up at the hotel, which had maybe 10 floors? Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

She grabbed her suitcases and I followed suit, walking into the hotel named L'hotel di DaVinci. I could easily tell this was an italian hotel. Do those even exist? Yeah, they do.

We walked over to the receptionist's desk, telling me she had made a reservation while we were waiting at baggage claim, luckily, there was an available room.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Renolds?" Mom asked the receptionist who was typing away on her computer, who was in her mid 60's.

She looked a little closer at her computer, and then without looking away from it, she expertly grabbed a key from behind her and said Room 36 without looking at us. Mom said thank you, and we walked away in silence.

We got onto the elevator at the back of the lobby, and the door closed itself once we were inside and had pressed the button labeled 2.

"Someone's on her period," Mom chuckled.

"Is it you?" I remarked sarcastically.

"Oh please, I just got off it a few days ago. It's amazing how we were just in Australia just a few hours ago, and here we are in sunny Nevada," she sighed, looking at the ceiling of the elevator.

"Please don't remind me," I groaned.

"Like I told you baby, it's gonna be okay."

"Okay Mom."

hey guys, im friends with alyssa and i read this book and didnt like how she left it so i will be finishing it for her!!

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