Chapter 8

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 [Scott POV]

"Surprised?" A voice says to me. I recognize this voice. It's delicate. It's beautiful.

It's Allison's.

"A little bit. What are you doing?" I realize that my words may have come off a little bit harsh. She backs away.

"Is something wrong? Maybe spontaniety isn't my strong suit, but-"

"No, no! It's me. I was just thrown off a little bit." She comes back towards me. "I'm sorry can I make it up to you?" She puts her hand on the handle of the door and cracks it open.

"A movie. Let's see a movie." Interesting choice, but I don't question it...out loud, at least.

"Well, sure. Okay. What movie? When?"

"Tonight. I'll see you at the theater at seven." She begins to strut away.

"Wait, what movie?!" I shout to her as she walks. She turns around.

"Surprise me," she says, smiling. I can't help but smile back.

I also can't help but hear the rising heartbeat of my best friend.

[Stiles POV]

"Don't move," a voice whispers in my ear. Who is this? Did they just see that entire scene happen? Of course they did.

If it's Coach, I'm quitting the team.

[Jackson POV]

I swing the door to the sports equipment closet open. I initially was entering to grab a lacrosse stick so I could practice during my free period.

Finding my girlfriend only wearing a bra and her skirt was just a bonus.

"Jackson?" Lydia says. She acts like I'm the one out of place here!

[Lydia POV]

Jackson reaches over to find a lightswitch. While he searches, I reach to find my blouse. Found it!

"Lydia, what the hell are you doing here?! Half naked, no less?!" He runs toward me and pulls me upward. He takes the blouse and shoves it into my stomach. "Put this on, now." I throw the shirt over my head and straighten up my hair. "I'm going to ask you again. What are you doing here?" Think fast, Lydia. Think fast.

"Jackson, you know better than anyone that I sleep in a sports bra some nights! You know, when it's hot. And this school is always hot." Ugh. I need to be better at creating stories on the fly.

"Sleeping? You were sleeping?"

"Well, yes. I was planning on skipping class to sleep. But you ruined that for me, so, I'm up now!" He grabs my arm as I am beginning to leave, hoping he'd follow me. I don't know where you're hiding, Stiles, but stay hidden.

"You're lying. I can tell when you're lying." I don't say anything. "It's a guy, isn't it? Who was in here with you?!"

"No one! No one. I was seriously sleeping!"

"It was McCall, wasn't it?! My first instinct was right. I'm going to kill him." He releases me and runs out. I know I should stay to help out Stiles, but I can't let Scott take the fall for this. I just can't. I'm so sorry, Stiles. I take off after Jackson.

[Stiles POV]

I'm not sure how to feel right now. I'm scared shitless, because someone is restraining me and it's pitch black in here.

On the other hand, Jackson isn't beating the living hell out of me right now, so that's a plus.

The hand releases from my mouth, but the other arm is still wrapped tight around my throat.

"Stiles. Stay quiet, or I will hurt you. Badly. Understood?" I nod my head. "It's exceedingly obvious that I interrupted something. Or, Jackson did. Either way, we need to talk." The man turns me around and turns on the light. It's Derek.

"Derek?! What the hell?!"

"Shut up! I said to be quiet. Now listen to me, Stiles. Scott is in trouble."

"Well yes, I think we discovered that the night he came home with a freaking wolf bite on his side."

"Stop with the sarcasm, Stiles."

"That's my language."

"Yes. I know this. But Scott. The Alpha..."

"What about him? Or it? Or whatever the hell it is?"

"Besides the fact that Jackson might be killing him right now because he thinks that it was him responsible for his half naked girlfriend..." Oh. Should've thought about that. "...the Alpha is going to kill him. Unless..."


"Unless he kills you first."

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