Chapter 53

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Dori's POV

It was 1 am and I still couldn't sleep.

The conversation I had with Mason kept playing over in my head like some broken record.

We're related.

Never would I ever have thought that Mason and I could be related. I didn't believe him at first. But his story made sense. The fact that we share the same eyes colour makes sense. The fact that we're the same age makes sense; why we were the best of friends since kindergarten to grade 2. Why my father hated me because he wanted a boy to take over his gang. How Mason got into the club. Why my mother would never allow him over to play with me. Why so many people wondered why we looked so much alike.

It all made sense.

My mother always told me that I was a mistake. That my father never wanted me but decided not to abort me in hopes of a boy. When they found out my gender, he was upset. But at the same time, he didn't want to get rid of me.

My mother always cried and beat me because I was the reason he cheated on her with another woman the moment he found out my gender. She beat me because the woman got pregnant with a boy, saying that I should've been different. That maybe if I was, he wouldn't have left her.

I never knew the boy. That is, until I started kindergarten. He was my best friend. My only friend. He was there for me when my mom died. He told me that everything would be ok. He made me believe that my life could be better.

Until the day he decided that he should inflict pain on me too.

I didn't know why he did it. I was always a good friend to him. I highly doubt that I did anything to upset him. Even if I did, he would tell me. He always did. We never kept secrets from each other, always told each other how we felt, we were perfect.

He knew how much pain I endured at home. He knew how much they abused me, both mentally and physically and sometimes, my father's friends would have their own way with me when my mom wasn't there. It's not like it would make a difference even if she was.

I stood up and walked over to the mirror, taking my shirt and shorts off, leaving me in only my bra and panty.

The scars that littered my body were horrifying. They were everywhere.  They were on my arms, on my chest, my tummy, my thighs, legs, back, feet.  I looked at the recent ones on my wrist from the time I tried to commit suicide. They reminded me of when I had brain hypoxia. Luckily, it got better over time. My stuttering got significantly less and I've become better at forming sentences.

And then there was that huge scar at the back of my head from when my mother threw me against the wall the day I brought Mason home to play with me.

"Don't you ever associate yourself with that boy again! Don't bring him to the house and don't talk to him at school you little bitch!" She spat at me.

"But momma-"


" I don't give a rats ass about you have to say" she said to me as I fell to the ground, the back of my head pounding from the hard impact I had on the wall. I felt a familiar warm liquid trickling down my back. "I should just leave you here for you to bleed out and die" . Black dots danced around my vision as my eyes fluttered to a close. I heard my mom sigh as I felt her hand rub my forehead. "I'm so sorry baby, I didn't want to have to do this" she whispered. "You just never learn" was the last thing I heard before I slipped into a familiar state of unconsciousness.
I heard a knock on my door as I laid on my back, spread out like a starfish on my bed. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was only 3:14 am. I sighed.

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