[ 4:59 PM ] Lucas Pukas: FOUR DAYS UNTIL YOU COME DOWN!!


[ 5:10 PM ] Calum <3: yeah hey i actually wanted to talk to you

[ 5:11 PM ] Calum <3: i have some stuff going on i just need some space from people.

[ 5:13 PM ] Calum <3: including you.

[ 5:21 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Oh yeah. That's cool. No problem. Haha.

[ 5:22 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Are you okay? You've never wanted to have a break before.

[ 5:28 PM ] Calum <3: I'm fine just need some space, I'll be fine in a few days.

[ 5:29 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Okay :) Be safe. Text me if you need Cal.


[ 10:42 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Just spit it out Calum, I don't understand why you're acting like this.

[ 10:43 PM ] Calum <3: Fuck you I'm not acting like anything

[ 10:43 PM ] Calum <3: You started this not me

[ 10:43 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Started WHAT?

[ 10:45 PM ] Lucas Pukas: You messaged me a few days ago and said you needed space out of nowhere and I was like alright whatever and then you messaged me tonight saying you wanted to cancel your flight?

[ 10:45 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Don't let whatever you're going through stop us from meeting Cal

[ 10:46 PM ] Lucas Pukas: We've been wanting to do this for two years and we can FINALLY meet. FINALLY hug each other.

[ 10:48 PM ] Calum <3: Look it's nothing to do with you. I just can't make it.

[ 10:50 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Well tell me why. Are you okay? Is it family stuff?

[ 10:53 PM ] Calum <3: No. Don't worry about it.

[ 10:55 PM ] Lucas Pukas: I will worry about it. C'mon, I want to help you. You've never acted like this before, not with me.

[ 10:56 PM ] Calum <3: Stop it.

[ 10:56 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Stop what? Caring for you? Oops it's too late.

[ 10:57 PM ] Calum <3: This isn't a joke. Just leave me alone.

[ 10:57 PM ] Lucas Pukas: I have been leaving you alone... Obviously not helping your mood now is it?

[ 10:57 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Calum you can trust me.

[ 10:58 PM ]Calum <3: I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

[ 10:58 PM ] Calum <3: I don't know what's wrong with me. It's so stupid. Like it's not wrong by itself but.

[ 10:59 PM ] Calum <3: I'm not supposed to do this, I'm not supposed to be feeling like this. I feel like a walking cliche.

[ 10:59 PM ] Calum <3: I won't cancel the flight if you don't want me to. But by the time I tell you, you'll want to. I know it.

[ 11:00 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Nothing you could say could make me not want to see you.

[ 11:00 PM ] Calum <3: Okay, here goes.

[ 11:04 PM ] Calum <3: I've known you for two years and you've been the bestest friend I've ever had. You're there for me. Always. And I've always tried to do the same. I thought I loved how we were, I loved how close we were even when we didn't text for days. I loved our long facetimes. I remember the first time I saw you over the phone and I felt something, something different but I ignored it and now after knowing you more and more and knowing that you know me better than anyone the ignorance has come to bite me in the ass. You're going to hate me I know it, maybe not hate because you're so fucking nice and pure but you won't want to be friends. I can't stand that Luke I can't.

[ 11:07 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Calum... Please say it. I'd like to hear it.

[ 11:11 PM ] Calum <3: I love you.

[ 11:30 PM ] Lucas Pukas: You've been my best friend for years, ever since we met online I knew that you'd be important to me. Somehow. How naive I was. It took me hours of texting and facetiming to develop the most pathetic crush on you and it took a tiny bit more than that for me to await your texts like a love-struck teenager. But six months ago it became more than that. It was when we were facetiming and god forbid you snorted when you laughed. It was so simple and you were giggling silly and I thought you were the most imperfect perfection I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. You were mine, my best friend. And I tried my hardest to pretend that I didn't love you and I'm sorry for that because I think it worked. I think you thought all I felt to you was friendship, worse yet you thought I would hate you? I couldn't hate you for anything least of all this. Basically what I'm trying to say is, I love you too.

[ 12:06 AM ] Lucas Pukas: Calum?

[ 12:29 AM ] Lucas Pukas: That's cool it's been a long day, you're probably getting ready for the flight. I get it. And I don't want you to cancel at all. So, I'll see you soon? Okay? :) Goodnight Calum.


[ 7:30 AM ] Lucas Pukas: I'm at the airport, where are you? Can't see you :)

[ 8:42 AM ] Lucas Pukas: Calum it's been an hour since your flight landed and everyone's gone. Did you miss it or?

[ 11:16 AM ] Lucas Pukas: Are you even coming...?


[ 10:48 PM ] Lucas Pukas: Well I've waited all day and now they're kicking me out, so guess that's a no.


[ so this story is new and dead but idc i love this story and all of its 2 reads ]

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