Chapter 4

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Rehearsal took about 6 hours today with a couple breaks in between, Shinjiro was sweaty and tired, but he still had to go home and change to go out with Natsuki. She may have acted rude and sassy today, but he understands that it's been a while since they both have gone out.

He texts Natsuki's phone, to make sure she is free at the moment.

Shinjiro: Hey Natsuki, I'm done rehearsing, I was wondering if you had time to go out for some coffee or something tonight.

Natsuki: Oh so sorry Shin-Chan, I just planned something with a friend, after our little argument today I didn't expect you to invite me out tonight

Shinjiro: Oh, it's fine, have fun, we can go out tomorrow

Natsuki's response surprised him, he didn't expect her to reject his request like that, she was looking forward to their date together this morning, that even after the argument he expected her to be free for him.

He grips his phone tightly and puts it back in his pocket, he then leaves the room, upset about his girlfriend's response.

Misako notices Shinjiro's mood swing, and decides to follow him and ask him about what happened, she hated seeing him upset.

"Shinjiro? Is something the matter?"

Shinjiro, looks back at her startled by the unexpected question.

"Huh? Oh... Is nothing, I was just planning on going out with Natsuki, but she has other plans now" said Shinjiro forcing a smile, attempting to hide his true feelings from his friend.

Misako, could see through his facade; he was clearly upset about the situation. Shinjiro may be cold sometimes, but in reality he is a very caring person, he probably felt guilty about this morning and wanted to compensate Natsuki for it.

Misako can't stand looking at him like that; before he leaves, she quickly stops him trying to make him feel better.

"Hey it's ok, you didn't do anything wrong... She loves you, I'm sure everything is ok" Said Misako, patting his team mate in the back.

Shinjiro smiled at her, he knows she can tell how he really feels. Misako is one of his closest friends, she knows him well enough but he never really gives her any credit for it. This pops an idea on Shinjiro's head.

"Hey Misako... Are you free tonight?"

Misako Is shocked by Shinjiro's question, and looks at him skeptical, trying to figure out what he is plotting.

"Well Umm... Yes, I don't have anything planned"

"Awesome, then do you want to meet up at the mall by 8:00, it won't be long"

Misako felt relieved, Shinjiro's outgoing persona is back, she can't reject his request knowing how happy he is now... Except for one small detail.

"Sure, I can do that, but what about Natsuki, Are you sure she won't mind?"

Shinjiro brushes off the detail carelessly, is not like Natsuki would mind.

"She won't mind; plus, it's just our little Friend Date, nothing out of the ordinary"

Misako knows this isn't the best idea, what if Natsuki finds out, or even worse, what if a Paparazzi takes a picture of them, and rumors of a relationship between the two are online by tomorrow morning. There's plenty of ways in which this whole Friend Date could go wrong, but she can't let Shinjiro down, considering she is already hiding the truth from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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