Chapter 3

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Shinjiro wakes up around 10:00 am dealing with the effects of his hangover, he drank much more alcohol than what he is used to, and as he stands up from his bed, he feels nauseous and has a terrible headache banging his head.

"Damn what happened last night" He tries to clear his mind and remember what exactly happened, but he only has faint memories of ordering a shrimp salad after his first drink with Nissy and Shuta.

He attempts to stand up, but that only makes his nausea worse as he somehow makes his way to the kitchen, where Shinjiro decides to simply have some milk and a leftover banana pie in order to recover from his hangover.

While eating his breakfast and as he slowly comes back to normal he checks his phone in case he missed something last night. As he scrolls down he stumbles upon Naoya's text about last night telling him the time he was dropped off, Nissy's drunk texts where he just texted Shinjiro a bunch of different emojis, and a missed call from...

"Natsuki Called me about an hour ago!"

* * *

Misako arrives at Avex Co. At about 10:45am, AAA was going to have a late choreography rehearsal but she arrived early to the studio which meant that she would have some time alone just to do whatever she wants until the rest of the members arrive.

The first five minutes of her time were lonely but relaxing as she listened to some of her music on her phone; however, she is interrupted by a knock on the door.

To her dismay, it was the last member she wanted to see today, Shinjiro Atae.

"Ugh out of the 6 members, why him!?" She thought to herself as she opened the door.

"Hey Misako, You are early today" Saluted Shinjiro entering the room.

Misako Tries her best to avoid eye contact with the youngest member, everytime his name comes up, his face of contemplation shows up in her head. 

"Oh yeah, I left home early... You are umm... early too"

"Well I actually thought I was running late, but guess I wasn't, tho I'm surprised, the hangover I had this morning was terrible, and I still have a small headache..."

Misako nods nicely at Shinjiro and dodges his sight once again.

Both members can tell there's an awkward feeling lingering in the air as they both fail at making small talk with one another.

"Hey Misako, Are you ok, did you end up drinking too last night?"

"What? No, what makes you think that"

"Well you seem oddly distracted, almost as if you were trying to avoid me... Do I have something on my face?"

Shinjiro begins to suspect about Misako And tries to get a closer look at her, leading the female singer to react in a more awkward way, making Shinjiro believe that something happened last night.

"Oh that reminds me, I don't have very clear memories about last night after ordering our food, what exactly happened?" Asked Shinjiro.

The question that the youngest member just propped only increased Misako's anxiety at the moment. She didn't have any other choice as she started coming up with fabrications on her head about the car incident.

"Well, you and Taka began acting very childish after getting into an argument with Shuta, but once we got into the car nothing that exceptional happened... so yeah don't worry Shinjiro" Misako answered with a lie.

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