Safe and Sound

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Looking up at him his blue eyes meeting mine I stand on my toes and kiss him.

"I want you." I say smirking running my fingers through his hair.

"You sure?"

"Yes! I'm going to go crazy if I have to wait another day." I say knowing its baby hormones most likely but I really didn't care.

"Being pent up with my parents drove you nuts huh?" he asks smirking backing me up slowly.

I nod as he leans down to kiss me. I wrap my arms around him kissing him back. He leads me to his bedroom which I don't have time to look at for him pulling off my shirt. He kisses down my neck and across my shoulders.

I undo his belt as his lips fine mine again. I was just about to push his pants down when the doorbell rang.

"Ignore it?" I ask looking at him.

"Two minutes." He says kissing me and leaving the room.

Sighing move to sit on the bed looking around his room. It was simple but cluttered. Random stuff everywhere. Framed posters on his walls and a few batman figures. It reminded me of his room as a teenager just a bit neater. More grown up.

"Something interesting about my wall?" Andy asks coming back into the room.

"Just thinking." I say as he moves to sit next to me.

"About what?" He asks kissing my shoulder and up my neck.

"How you've changed but stayed the same."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I don't think so."

"Good." He says smiling pulling me towards him my mouth meeting his.

I kiss him back feeling my body relax.

"Who was at the door."

"Pizza got with wrong place."

"I want pizza." I say earning a laugh.

"Well I want you." He says his blue eyes full of heat.

"Even though I'm fat?"

"Your not fat. Your perfect." He says kissing me.

I blush and kiss him back him moving over top of me as he lays me back.

"I'm fat. I look like a blimp."

"A cute one." He says kissing up my neck and nibbling my ear making me giggle.


"Hmm?" He hums kissing across my stomach.

"I love you."

Stopping he looks up at me.

"I love you too."


"Yes really."

"Good." I say pulling him over me kissing him.

He moves to unbutton my jeans him carefully sliding them off leaving me in just my panties. I close my eyes feeling warm as he kisses my thighs. Relaxing I don't notice when he takes off his pants. When I feel him pull my underwear down my legs I lift my hips helping him.

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