I met someone who reads my books...and it's awkward...

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Hey SophFam!

Story time with Sophie!

So, there were some visitors coming into school to teach our class today.

We did activities and stuff.

There was one activity where we had to say something interesting about ourselves.

When it got to me, I said...

"I write books on the internet".

A visitor, who's in his early twenties, said...

"Oh, you talking about Wattpad?"


I said...

"Yeah! That's it!"

He said.

"That's Cool! What's the book about?"

Now...I'm not telling everyone in my life class that I write gay stories on the internet...nooo way.

I just said...

"It's about a bad kid who loves a good kid and stuff."

His face LITREALLY lit up.

"Oh, I read a book like that before! My friend's daughter likes these Youtubers called The Pals and reads about a ship called Dorl. I think the book was called The Bad Boy or something. Their were other books to the series too."

Holy shit...

I said...

"Oh, that's funny"

He said..

"They read it as a guest since they aren't old enough to have an account. What's your username? I'll try find you!"


I just said...

"Oh, I've forgotten my username."

He said...

"Well, let's try find your book on my phone then!"

Everyone did a different activity and he logged into Wattpad, gave me his phone and told me to find my book.

There was no way I was getting out of this...

He said..

"The book that my friend's daughter reads is really good! The author must spend ages writing it!"

I was so tempted to reply with yes...but I didn't.

There was no way of me getting out of this situation now...

I slowly typed in.


My book popped up and I said...

"This is mine"

He said...

"That's the book I was talking about! That's you!?"

I said...


He gave me a grin and said...

"I don't belive you...this is a bit mature for someone your age. Log in to your account!"


Not only was he going to find out I'm dirty minded...but I also think he was trying to hack my account...

I logged in and he gave me a shocked expression.

"It is you!"


He said...

"Can I get a picture with you for her? She'd love that!"



I'm not a celebrity!

Plus...I hate taking pictures of myself...

I laughed ans said okay...

He took a picture with me and then I was saved by the bell...

I'm hoping he isn't reading this right now...

If you are...

Hi...I'm sorry...XD

Welp, Thanks for reading XD

Have fun and think about Dorl!

Baiii <3

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