I'm just a silouhette

Start from the beginning

"That's actually really cute," Mina gushed. "You know, I bet you could find the end of the universe in someone's hands."

"Like a map."


"Hey extras," Katsuki's voice cut in.

Kirishima jumped in his seat resulting in his phone flying out of his hands, landing somewhere on the bed. Mina held her hand to her chest as if she were trying to recover from the heart attack she just had and Kaminari had pressed his back up against the headboard of the bed. None of them heard him enter the house and no one heard his footfall on the wooden floors in the hallway that led to Mina's room.

Katsuki was barefoot and holding what appeared to be a stack of thin books along with a pack of markers. The kind of markers that smelled good. Each colour had its own scent, though some were far too similar to its neighbouring colours.

"What's with the art supplies?" Kaminari asked.

"Ah, well, Shitty Hair told me he's never coloured before"ーMina and Kaminari snapped their heads to Kirishima, shock taking over their featuresー"so I figured I'd get the shit to do it. I've got colouring books with this weird black shit that covers the places you aren't supposed to colour and these scented markers. I figured if you could learn the different scents, you might be able to pick out the colours you want without us having to help you. So you could be independent."

He might actually cry. Kirishima might actually shed a damn tear. No one has ever gone this far just to make Kirishima come off as a little more independent. Everyone was always offering their help, treating him as if he's a helpless child. He never wanted help, not unless he asked for it, and even when he tells someone he doesn't need their help, they weasel their way in anyway. Katsuki wasn't like that.

Katsuki's weight pushed a section of the mattress down and he dropped the markers and books. He handed one to Kirishima and flipped it to some random page before commanding Kirishima to run his fingers along the outer black part.

It was velvety. The outer parts held a similar texture to velvet and the inner parts where you were supposed to colour were smooth. And all the markers smelled like candy and fruit and soda. They tested him; someone would hold a marker up to his nose, let him sniff it, and then would ask what colour it was. For the most part, he passed. Kirishima struggled in trying to pick out different shades of one colour, they smelled so similar, but the others promised to help him.

Kirishima's fingers glided over the velvet in search of the smoother parts. He was going to colour a deer in the opening of a large field surrounded by pine trees. Kirishima tried to picture the image in his head and failed. Everyone did their best, though.

He got lost in the feeling of the velvet underneath his skin, got lost in the chatting and the words being passed between his friends as they worked on their own pictures. Someone had turned on some music, keeping it low enough so their words wouldn't get lost in the sounds.

"WE'RE OUT OF SNACKS!" Kaminari yelled from the kitchen. "Art makes me hungry."

"Anything makes you hungry," Kirishima said.

"Well," Mina grabbed her phone and turned the music off, "my parents left me their credit card. We could all go shopping!"

"I want Oreos and pizza roles," Kamainari said. He was practically drooling.

"Or, we could get you assholes from actual food. Fruits. Vegetables. I could make dinner," Katsuki said.

Everyone snapped their heads to him and grinned. Katsuki could be nice and selfless? Who knew.

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