Anger, confusion and faith

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There goes his head.

And wham!!! There goes his accomplice.

Alice’s mom.

Both their heads rolled around, bloodied and bruised.

I heard gasps and screams.

I looked up to see Ricki’s mom and Sally and Ally’s dad gasping in horror and fear and crying.

“ I’m sorry I had to do that in front of you guys. I’m sorry I even had to do that at all. It was their time.”  I said sadly.

They stood there, emotionless. Then they looked at me with blank eyes. Then Alice burst out crying. Not in grief but in joy.

Then Ally, then Sally, Then Ricki and lastly Keven. Their mates comforted them. And hugged them all.

But their remaining parents…..

“What the hell did you just do?!” Screamed Alice’s dad.

“My mate!!” Screamed Ricki’s mom.

“It was there time to die.” I answeard.

Then an old friend of mine came in.

The Hound of Imprisonment.

{the hound that took the bad spirits to hell in the early chapters.}

His flamed tail and mouth were all red.

He then shifted. In his handsome human form.

Damn…he’s hot, but Chase (and Zayne) are hotter.

Picture Alex Pettifier.

“Hey, what up Death? How’s my niece?” he asked.

Yep, Lucian and the hound of imprisonment are siblings.

“Doing good uncle Luis.” I answered.

“Great. I see your doing your job. Well, I gotta start doing mine.” he said.

I chuckled.

He morphed back to his wolf form and took the spirits away.

I heard their cries and pain filled screamed.

I smirked.


As for the remaining parents…

I looked at them dead in the eyes and said:

“You will not remember anything that happened. For now on you two will think you are mates and that everything is fine…and you will think your kids and nieces are away, married and living their lifes, happily and you will be happy for them. And as for the others I killed, you will think they died in a fire 6 years ago.”

With that, they left looking like zombies.

Ready to start the day tomorrow how I hypnotized them.

I looked back at my friends and they smiled gratefully.

We disposed the bodies and went back to the forest and finish training for today.

I felt some one stare at me.

It was Zayne.

He stared at me with want, hurt, love and sadness.

I sighed.

He’s been doing that a lot. We’re friends and all, but he won’t get the memo.

Sadly he has to live like this.

I sighed, turned around and went back to training my pack.

I got home exhausted.

I felt like crap.

But stronger at the same time.

I sent the kids to bed, while Matt and Drake bonded with their mates.

God…my kids are growing up.

I smiled and let a tear fall down my cheek.

I’ll miss them if they go.

Chase felt my emotions and kissed me.

“It’s okay love. This always happens. They love you and they still have a lot of growing u to do.” he comforted.

I sighed and nodded.

Then kissed him back.

“I know honey. I’m sorry. I’m just caught up in this and it’s a really hard thing we are going through. I just wanna get out of it happy and with my family.”I said.

“We will. Don’t worry, love.” With that he kissed me passionately.

He sat down on our bed and pulled me on top of him. And rubbed my legs.

You know where it lead to.

We fell asleep in each others warm arms. Legs tangled…chest against chest. My face covered in the crook of his neck.

His nose breathing in my hair.

I fell asleep, thinking of my pack my family and the happy ever after we could share together if we win this…No…when we win this.

The Mistakes That Made Us (Being Edited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ