Chapter 2: A Day at the Castle

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After the visit from the fourth prince, I spent the next three days wondering, worrying, about what he meant by paying him back. By now they must have done a very thorough background check and already traced my entire life back to my birth. They would know that I have nothing that I could offer them, no money or any kind of land that they could want. What could he have meant by paying him back? 

I check myself out of the hospital with no issue and get a taxi back to my house. Just as I enter my house and close the door someone knocks on the door. I open the door to find a tall, buff looking man, standing there. 

"Come with me." I just stand there, confused by what he could have meant. 


"I said come with me."

"Why? I don't understand." I hide more behind the front door.

"The fourth prince has summoned you to the castle to report for duty." 

I must not have replied fast enough because the man pulls me out of my house by force and begins pushing me towards the black car that's parked in front of my house. 

"What do you mean, 'report for duty'?"

He doesn't even spare me a glance when he puts me into the car. He goes to the drivers' side, climbs in, and we take off. 

"Everything will be explained once you enter the castle. Also, don't worry about your house, a maid will come once a week to clean it until you decide what you will want to do with it." 

He doesn't talk to me again, and we just drive in silence. Until I see the castle come into view I had stayed sitting, but when it came into view I hopped out of my seat and watch as we get closer and closer to the towering building. 

We pull into the drive and the man says something into a speaker and the gate opens, when we reach the end of the drive there are two people a male and female. When I get out of the vehicle they greet me.

"Hello Adrian, I'm one of the head butlers, Erik Lucas. I shall be training you about being a butler." The man said with a bow. He seems a little older, maybe in his early 40's, and very tidy with his suit on. 

The woman steps forward, making the sword on her side very noticeable. "I'm Amelia Wise. One of the captains of the royal guard, and I'll be training you to fight and defend, so if the need arises you can protect the fourth prince if need be." 

Each of them grabs an arm and drag me inside the castle. This is a lot to processes in only a few short hours, but I have to be strong.

"You will not be allowed to be the princes' butler until we deem you ready." I look to the woman, Amelia, in disbelief. He drags me all the way here and I can't even meet him until these people think I'm ready to serve him. What the heck. 


For the foreseeable future my days are going to be long, very tiring, and by the end of the day, I'm going to want to run away. 

From six in the morning to about three in the afternoon I'm going to be reading books and shadowing Erik while he goes around on his rounds. Then after I finish with Erik I meet with Amelia in the training yard to practice with swords until ten or eleven at night. 

Right now it's my second day here and I'm heading to the training yard to meet with Amelia, I just changed out of my work suit and into my training clothes. I'm taking a shortcut through the servant's stairway in the walls when I hear talking. I know that curiosity killed the cat and all, but hey, I'm human I'm curious by nature. 

"Why did you bring that man here brother! He could just be a spy or an assassin." I can't see any faces so I don't know who is all in the room.

"I brought him here because he was pushed into your car, and when I went to question him he didn't even recognize me until I told him." 

I know that voice, it's the fourth prince. He must be talking to the third prince about that day I hit his car. 

"Spys or assassins can be very cunning. He could still be out to kill one of us." I hear the door open, "I want him gone, brother." The door shuts, "But I guess I could use this man to my advantage, I could kill you and blame him if you're having him groomed to be your personal butler." 

I run down the stairs as quietly as I can and get to the yard. As I'm training with Amelia I'm internally debating on if I should tell anyone, on one hand, I could tell someone and be blamed that I'm the one plotting to do it, or I could run away and watch on the news that the fourth prince, Daniel O'Connor, had been murdered and that I was the one to blame. I shake my head and barely dodge an attack from Amelia, I should just stay here and learn how to fight so I can protect the prince. 

"What is wrong with you today? You're not into this." She wipes her arm across her forehead some strands of her brown hair sticking to her forehead.

I shake my head, "No, nothing is wrong. I'm just thinking about what all has happened to me in the past week. I mean I was almost killed by my work peers and then I was almost killed again by the royal guard, then I met the fourth prince. And now I'm training to be his personal butler." 

She looks to the clock, "Well, it might only be nine at night, but with all that you have gone through I'll let you go to bed early." I thank her and begin to leave, "Although," I stop, "I'm at least giving you homework. Twenty-five push-ups every half hour until ten-thirty." I groan at her as she laughs at me. 


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