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After they got their shit together, changed into theit clothes, and assembled their backpacks, it was around 3:30.

"Soo... What now?" Jenna asked, crossing her arms.

"We need a battle plan." Michael grinned, rolling his eyes.

"So many plans," Jenna mumbled under her breath. "It's not like it's the end of the world or anything." Everybody turned.

"BoI," Michael sighed, face-palming.

"Okay, so, the plan," Jared huffed. Evan walked over to him, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist.

"J-Jared, I-I don't wanna d-do this," He muttered, biting his lip.

"Not right now, Evan. You'll be fine."

"Okay, so," Jeremy sighed, crossing his arms. "The plan... We just have to stay alive, I guess."

"Yeah, we don't need to have a fancy ass plan." Rich announced.

"True," Jake grinned. "But we're aloud to fight, right?"

"Most definitely." Michael laughed. "Okay, so... Lezz do this!" Everybody hummed in agreement. Michael laughed, linking elbows with Jeremy.

Almost five minutes later, they were already beheading as many zombies as possible.

"Michael! Watch out!" Jeremy screamed, shoving the attacking zombie away from his partner. It was after that when he realized who it was. "Michael..." He mumbled, his eyes tearing up. He looked at the thing, almost frozen in time. "M-mom?"

"Jeremy!" Michael shouted, slashing it's neck off. Jeremy sobbed, falling into Michael. Michael sighed, holding the boy close.

A couple of miles away, Jared, Evan, and Jenna were battling a mob of them.

"Hansen! Back off!" Jenna screamed angrily,  shooting a zombie in the head. "Kleinman! Come on, you're slacking!" She huffed, firing a bunch of bullets at the mob. Evan sobbed as he stabbed a corpse that had once belonged to Zoe Murphy, one of the long-time crushes he had before he had joined the triangle. As he tried to attack another, he felt a piercing pain in his chest.

One of them had stabbed him.

He fell to the ground, the world burning up around him.

"EVAN!" Jared screamed, running over to the injured boy. "EVAN, PLEASE!" He sobbed, kneeling down next to him. "Ev, hun, please don't die," Tears ran down his face. But Evan was already gone. Jared sobbed once more, running a hand through his short hair as the mob closed around them. 

"What the fuck," Connor yelled, burning up dozens of the zombies with his blowtorch. He grabbed Jared's arm, pulling him up, which was hard, considering he wouldn't let go of the corpse that was once Evan. "Come on, there's a safe house across the street." Jared nodded, biting his bottom lip. They finally made it into tiny, one story house, locking  the door behind them. Connor sat on a bed, crossing his legs, while Jared isolated himself in a corner, hugging his knees. "What happened?"

"The mob got to him. I couldn't leave my position. He was weak anyways, we all knew he would be the first to go." Connor didn't look up, but instead squeezed his eyes shut, blocking any sign of emotion.

"You didn't try though." He mumbled.

"Murphy, I told you, I couldn't switch positions-" Jared tried. Connor looked up this time, meeting Jared's eyes.

"Klienman, if you cared about either of us, you would have tried." 

"Whatever," Jared muttered, getting up. He took one last glance behind him, before unlocking the door, and walking out. 

He was alone.


Christine sighed, taking the newly baked loaf of bread out of the oven, stacking it on the cooling rack placed by the window. She had decided to bake for the rest of the Rebels, instead of joining the gruesome war outside.  The bell hanging from the door shrieked, as Michael walked in, hands in his pockets.

"Hey, Michael!" Christine squeaked, overjoyed to see a face for the first time in hours. "Where's Jeremy?"

"Next door, with Chloe. She's running some sort of clinic, and he hurt his ankle pretty badly tripping on a rock." 

"Oh! Is he okay? How the heck did he manage to trip on a rock?" 

"Um, I'd rather not mention it. We kind of got into a bit of a fight." Michael looked at his feet, running his hand through his hair. "I, uh, actually just came to get away for a while, I guess."

"I am most definitely here to talk, if you're comfortable with sharing." Christine sat down on a couch, patting the spot on her right. Michael nodded, sitting down.

"He's been on edge for a couple of days, because, on Tuesday,  when this whole thing started, he found out that his mother had turned, and he had to...you know, and he's been kind of, I dunno, crumbling, and I tried to help him, but he kind of just started to freak out on me. He wasn't paying attention to  anything, and he t.ripped on a rock."

"That's understandable. I mean, his mom left, was it six years ago? To see something resembling her and then having to remove it... that sounds really hard." Christine wrapped his arm around his shoulders, patting his back.

"Yeah... Thanks Chris."

"No problem."


I'm just finishing/publishing all of the drafts I have in my phone. I DID NOT READ THIS OVER BEFORE I FINISHED IT (Also known as "Yeah... Thanks Chris." "No problem." SO MY APOLOGIES IF THIS IS  E X T R A CRINGE.

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