Chapter 26: Aftermath

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"What do you mean 'vampires'?" My dad's voice asked.

"I mean vampires," Peridot responded. "We were fighting vampires."

"And that gave you the excuse to take my daughter out of this house late at night?!" Dad asked.

"Mr. Lazuli, I mean no harm to your daughter," Peridot said.

"Then why were you taking her to fight vampires?!" Dad asked. "They suck blood, don't they? They'd suck her blood, wouldn't they?!"

"Yes, they would," Peridot answered. "But, sir, I promise—"

"You can't just do th—"

"Listen to me!" Peridot yelled.

The room went silent. I cracked my eyes open. The world was blurry at first, and then I finally focused again. Peridot was still holding me, and it was still dark.

"I have nothing against you, Mr. Lazuli, and I mean no harm to you or your daughter," Peridot said. "I brought her with me because she is a shield. Vampires' powers don't work on her. She was the key to getting rid of the vampires."

"Do you know how much danger that puts her in?!" Dad asked.

"I do know," Peridot answered. "It was hard for me to let her do that. I love her a lot, and I don't want her to get hurt. It took every bit of courage I had to let her fight for us, but, sir, I promise that I wouldn't ever want her to get hurt like that. I've been trying to protect her. We've learned a lot since the first time."

"The first time?!" Dad cried.

"This is the second time we've fought against an army of vampires," Peridot said. "They were much more powerful this time. We needed her."

I laid my head on Peridot's chest again. Her grip on me got tighter.

"Oh, honey," she whispered. "You're alright. Go back to sleep."

I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but the sound of my dad and Peridot arguing only let me sleep lightly.

"I will be talking to your mother about this," Dad said. "If she knew about this and let you do this, then I'll consider letting you see my daughter again."

"You won't let me see her?!" Peridot cried.

"Not if you've been going out with her like this without permission!" Dad shouted.

Peridot sighed. "Fine," she said. "If you don't want me to see her, I won't come."

I grunted and snuggled myself up closer to Peridot. She kissed my head in response.

"Well," Dad said quietly. "You do take good care of her. I mean, you went off to fight an army of vampires and returned her without a scratch."

"It's my duty to protect her," Peridot responded. "I can't fail that duty. Not at all."

"I'm glad she has someone as dedicated as you," Dad said. "B-but don't think you're not in trouble! I'm still talking to your mother about this!"

Peridot kissed my head again. "May I put her to bed now?" She asked.

I heard Dad sigh loudly. "I guess," he said. "No funny business. Taking her to fight vampires is enough."

"I know," Peridot said. "I'll let her get a good night's rest. She needs it."

I felt Dad ruffle my hair and walk away. Peridot stood up and carried me upstairs. Before she went into my room, I began to fall deeper into sleep. I tried to keep myself awake, but the drowsiness I was feeling as too strong. I couldn't stop myself. Peridot was too warm, and I was too tired out from the battle. I decided to succumb to the desire to sleep. Everything was quiet, and I was at peace.

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