Chapter 11

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Okay then... It seems like Toilet is allowing me to write another chapter while he works on his "special project". Thank you everyone for the nice comments! And also, thank you all so much for over 3K reads!!! I really appreciate all your support!

...Alright, I got to go. I need to figure out what Toilet is planning. He seems really ticked off today for some reason. I will catch you all later! ~Thaum


Don, Locket and Uni stood there, frozen in fear.

In front of them was the mutilated corpse of Duni; one of Locket's biggest enemies and Don's former boss.

@SeaBelleStories: Well then...I guess we don't have to worry about Duni anymore.

A small whimper came from Locket. Tears filled his eyes as he just stared at this body in front of him. He took a few steps back, his whole body shaking.

Don was a little more used too bodies. He was an assassin after all. But something about the sheer amount of fear in Duni's eyes was unsettling for him. He looked down at his own shaking knees, before looking up at his other self.


Locket looked over at Don; a waterfall of tears streamed down his face. He took one last look at the body, and booked it to his house.

"L-Locket?! Locket!!!" Don shouted after him. But Locket had already slammed his door shut, locking himself away from the rest of the world.

Uni rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh my god..." He began to laugh nervously; the same loud laugh all Unis seem to have. "Oh my god!"

Don turned back to Uni, a grim expression on his face. "How can you laugh at a time like this?! Locket is so distraught! I am too! How is this funny to you?!" He grabbed Uni's shoulders tightly.

Uni stuck up his hands in surrender. "Woah hey! I'm just as disturbed as you are! I just can't help myself! It's how I calm down okay?!"

Don let go of Uni's shoulders and took a deep breath. "Who could've done this...?" Don asked.

He said this, but in his mind Don already had a pretty good idea of the culprit.

He looked over at Uni and frowned. "Go to Ashlie's house." he said bluntly.
Uni was confused. "What? Why?"

"Go to Ashlie's mansion and stay there. Stay there until this situation is dealt with, and don't mention this to her. I'll deal with this."

Don stared angrily at Uni, making him sweat nervously. "A-alright friend..." Uni said before leaving for Ashlie's house.

As soon as Uni entered Ashlie's house, Don dropped the stern look. "Jesus christ..." He looked back down at Duni. "I don't know whether or not this is a good thing. I wanted him dead for so long, but this is just vile!"

@LilytheLamia : IT'S A BODY!!!!!!

Don knelt down to closer examine his former boss. Duni's neck was covered him purple hand prints, the same color as his remaining eye. The same color as the orchid growing out of his other eye socket.

The same color as the Professor's glasses.

@randombushgirl : Wait what happened to Duni!? But I thought-! What, I-? What!? WHY!?

"Isn't it obvious what happened dear asker?"

Don spun around to see where this voice had come from, but no one was there. "Where did-?"

Ask the Jons! (DISCONTINUED) (A Multiverse Story/Ask or Dare Book)Where stories live. Discover now