Chapter two

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After the woman finally got wheezy to let down his guard(his legs) she took a look at all of his cuts, bruises and patched up the broken bones to the best of her ability. He was shaken up, and needed rest as well as surgery.

She made a few calls and got him into a doctors surgery to fix his broken bones. Once they had finished he didnt wake for another three days.

Days had passed and Lucy sat at the end of his bed in a comfy chair with her tea and a coffee for the poor although very handsome man. Even when he was so scratched up she still saw the beauty in this mistreated man.

When William woke, he was non-verbal, jumpy and would constantly go on and off sobbing quietly. He barely ate, or drank anything. His body weight dropped but not to anything that  would be alarming. When William would finally fall asleep, the woman would enter the room and sit in her chair.
She sighed a sympathetic sigh, taking a sip of her warm tea. It was chilly in this room, William didn't have much in the name of warmth so she grabbed the only thing she could think of, her coat. She placed it gently over the sleeping man and sat back down. The moon shining through the window, caressing his face and his semi healed cuts.

The devil is a cruel, cruel being

She thought to herself and scoffed. Her attention went back to the bed when she heard him take a deep breath and let out a groan. The bruises on his neck hadn't completely healed up yet and neither had his bones. His eyes and scratches had healed up to be small scars. He would be very stiff and sore but alive. Lucy put her tea down and went to hand him some water. "Hey " she whispered, so she wouldnt startle the man. "I have some water for you" the man looked at her and looked at the water. Seeming to be suspicious he tried to tried to speak but nothing came out just a laboured groan of pain "here..." she put the bottle to his lips and slowly poured the water down his throat. And as he realised that it was water he held his hand over hers and took massive gulps.  "Careful you'll puke.." she whispered. He started to take slower gulps of the water, then removed his hand from hers. She looked down at his hand as a small blush brushed over her cheeks

In the earlier days he slept quite a lot, but when he was awake Lucy spent her time trying to make him feel better, physical therapy for his legs just so he can get out of bed and actually talking to him and enjoying his company. She even managed to crack a few smiles out of him.

Wheezy didn't know how to feel, he didnt even know her name. Why was she the one who was taking care of him? The woman that he had fancied was sitting in front of him, looking as dolled up and beautiful as normal. She looked a bit exhausted, but still the prettiest bird Will had ever seen.  A voice like an angel and the silkest hair he'd ever seen. His mind raced to a bad conclusion as to why she even knows he exists.

The devil put her up to this.

"Excuse me sugar. "
She said

"Could you try standing for me again?"
He obliged and began to sit up, he got a bit dizzy and cupped his head. He then took a deep breath and tried to concentrate.

He took three seconds to take his first try at standing. He did it but got dizzy and had to sit again. After around three attempts he stood at full height, he towered over her. She craned her neck to look up at him then took a step back. A smile was on her lips as she stepped closer to him one step at a time. She was about one step away from him, making wheezy take a step back. She looked up at him and gave a caring smile "can I do something hon? I promise it won't hurt. " her voice like honey

Wheezy had to process the question for little while. He eventually agreed with a tint of reluctance. She stepped forward and grabbed his trembling hand. She planted a kiss on the top of his hand leaving black lips then looked up once again and shook his hand softly "Beelzebub, Bee for short"

"It's nice to meet you."

"You too..." Wheezy finally spoke

"William Wheezy"
She smiled softly "lovely.." she whispered.

Her face lit up as she heard the quiet little laugh. A bright smile appeared on her face.
"What are you laughing at?" She asked
"Uh.. I don't know. I'm just.. surprised.."
Will paused before he said the last word and rubbed his arm.

"Your laugh is sweet" she said as she took a step back and tucked some hair behind her ear.

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