Chapter four

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Wheezy looked around at the empty hallway. His eyes shooting around in anticipation of seeing KD or The Devil. His breath was shakey and harsh. He stepped one step at a time down this hall that was longer than it ahould be.  His footsteps echoing slightly as he walk the red and gold carpet that lay elegantly above a dark oak wood floor. William felt his chest tighten as he heard oncoming footsteps, he braced himself for the worst. However the worst never came. It was her. Bee.

Wheezy felt all his previous stress and tention evaporate from his body. She looked up and came to a quick halt
"William! It's nice to see you."
Wills cheeks flushed red as he scratched the back of his head. "It's nice to see you too" his voice low and quiet. Her voice was angelic as she spoke "Why don't you come over for dinner? Grab ya' favourite whiskey and come on over, sugar"
Wheezy paused for a moment and pondered if she had really just said that. After about a minute of silence and a trillion thoughts of how this was possible from William, Bee cleared her throat.

" is that a yes? Handsome? "
William quickly nodded as Bee began walking past him. She flicked her hair and looked over her shoulder, "I look forward to it darling" she handed him a peice of paper with her number on it
Xxxx-xxxxx-xx ♡

After work, he walked to his usual train, got on and off again, nothing out of the usual. He lit a smoke and walked into a near by cafe, he's never been here and always walks by. Besides it was a drowsy day today and  a good cup of joe would be great.

Will quite liked rainy days, they're often the best. He sat down in the far corner next to the window and watched the rain fall as he watied for his coffee. It was amazing how someone can day dream just because of rain.

His mind slipped into a dream like state. He pictured Bee on his arm while they walked to work. Grabbing coffee and sitting in this very spot he was in. Williams mind also wandered to what she looked like without clothes on. 

He saw himself pushing her against the shower wall and making sure that she knew she was his. Thankfully, this came to an abrupt stop when a sweet young lady in her teen years grabbed his attention. "Here you are sir, have a wonderful day." She said with a smile. William thanked her and continued to waited awhile after he got his coffee to sit and watch the rain.  Once he got up, he was too busy not looking where he was going and he bumped into someone.
He looked down and apologised half expecting it to be her, however it wasn't. It was just one of the Devils Goons. They scoffed and pushed past him. "Jackass." They muttered.

Wheezy walked out the door and checked his watch, 6.30pm, the sun was just setting. He remembered that he had texted Bee so she had his number too, and she texted back with her address. He felt a tiny bit weird going to her home, however he was invited and there was no way she wanted to come to his house. Although he cleaned it, it still looked dull and lifeless as ever.

At around 7:30, William arrives at Bee's apartment.

He knocks.
She answers and Will is hit by a wall of rose and rosemary. "Come on in, sugar cube" she said with a smile as she opens the door wider.

Sugar cube.. he thought.

William nodded and smiled as he removed his shoes and stepped in.
He walked into the kitchen, following Bee, he placed his half empty bottle of whiskey on the marbled bench. A soft hum of an oldschool record player sounded from the lound room while whatever she was cooking sizzled on the stove. It smelled amazing.

Wheezy couldn't get over her smile and how- amazing it was. For the first time in a very long time he felt light headed and dizzy but not because of booz or to many puffs of smoke but because he liked someone and they actually talked and what it seemed to look like, she liked him back. Wheezy had never been good at flirting, it was a time waster in his opinion. But for some odd reason as the night grew he tried.

The clinking of glasses and knives and forks indicated that dinner was well in affect and God damn it was good. Delicious rice with creamy sauce and loads of chicken and spice. The occasional crunch from some capsicum and it combined well with Williams whiskey. Will cracked a few jokes here and there and Bee laughed, she told him stories of how she got here and where she had been.
William did the same. They both had their souls trapped in The Devils claws.

By this time they had moved to the couch, Bee was beyond tipsy and William was getting there himself. The lack of common sense made Will admit that he did in fact fancy Bee, and that he thought she was the most beautiful being he had ever seen. Honey, he called her. Bee's face dawned a dark blush and she smiled. She moved closer to him and leant in, closing her eyes. William brushed his hand along her cheek and through her luscious hair. He kissed her softly, her lips so soft on his.

At this point Bee was sitting in Williams lap, her head resting on his shoulder as they talked, her tail wrapped around Williams leg. After awhile Will saw Bee's eyes flutter to a close as she drifted off to sleep. He sighed and gently put her down on the couch. He put a blanket over her and got up. He put his shoes and coat on once again and headed out. He left a note saying thank you for dinner.
A week had passed and Wheezy had the Monday night shift at the casino.
He hoped he'd see Bee there.

Of course, William had forgotten to get up early enough to get out the door and not be in a rush. He woke up to the sounds of crows. He looked out the window to see it was sunset. He let out a deep sigh of frustration. He got up and got dressed for work and put his fluffy coat on. When he opened the door he was greeted with a container of soup. It was in a cute little blue container with a note attached. The note said in cursive,

Enjoy it :)

Wheezy of course didn't eat it because it could have been poisoned but who ever left it must have been crazy or some dumbass pulling a joke. Wheezy pushed it aside with his foot and walked out his door, locking it behind him. He headed to the same place he went for dinner quite often. It was an amazing burrito place around the corner, and the employees knew his order and how he liked it. So what's there not to like? He let them know hes in a rush and they nodded and got it out quick. He ran to his train and ate half his burrito, saving the rest for later. His shiftvwas 2 minutes away from starting, but he made it. He walked past The Devils Office, he could hear faint whispering of a deal.

"Don't get attached and our little deal will be over"

William thought this was strange to hear. Who was he speaking to? He shook his head and continued walking to the bar where KD was waiting for him. Wheezy gulped.

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