Chapter one

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A crisp early morning breeze swept through Wheezy's sloppy apartment from an open window he had failed yo remember to close after he finished his cigar. Letting out a groan, he covered himself with his thick covers.
It's was early, around 5.02, he was already over the day. Wheezy was never one to complain about doing a job, but it was just that kind of day that he felt it was hard to get out of bed. They seemed to come more often as the days dragged on. William couldn't remember the last time he woke up without feeling a dense guilt wrapping around his chest so thick it made it hard to take a deep breath.

After fighting with himself whether or not he'd just have another late arrival or just no showing the entire shift. He did this for about an hour or so before he finally got out of bed reluctant heavy sigh.

Wheezy went over to the mirror and saw the mess he was. His eyes dull and dawned a dark heavy bag under them. His chin spiked with stubble and his curley hair poking out in all ways. As William attempted to slick his hair back, clenching his jaw and cursing the comb he roughly pulled through his hair. When he finally made himself presentable he wandered slowly and carelessly into the kitchen and to make a strong coffee, kicking trash and left over wrappers out of his way.

As the coffee machine chugged away William searched on his crowded bench for a dencently clean mug and gave it a quick wash. He then lent on the bench and looked out the window at a world so vivid and bright, even before the sun had fully come up. Wheezy's apartment seemed so dull and dark in comparison. Seeing everything out there made Will envious of what could have been. With a yawn he turned his attention back to his old coffee machine. The quiet hum sent chills through his apartment and the sweet smell of coffee filled the sour and stale air.

Taking a deep breathe wheezy stepped out into the cool air, it was a nice day today, the sun was hiding behind some clouds on the horizon, the dew still on the frail grass blades, birds chatting as they wake.

What isn't there to like? Wheezy always liked walking to his job, it woke him up and made his day just that little bit better however he cant quite convince his brain to enjoy anything else the way he enjoys this crisp morning walk.

For some reason he has convinced himself that it covers up the unshaven face, the strong stench of Booz and smoke that followed him in smog like bubble, blood shot eyes from endless nights awake, and his sloppy uniform and half-assed slicked back hair.
He believed that people would ignore the fact that he looked like he was dead. He always had his hands stuffed in his pockets of his long coat with scruffy fur around the colar that was exaggeratingly large as he played with the rings on his fingers and scrappy nails. Not that he had much of them any more, he had chewed, broken and mistreated them to the point of them being non-existent.

Besides the fact that wheezy was always exhausted, walking made him feel like the normal person. Will could escape his mind for the brief moment he has before getting on a train that was filled to the brim with cigar and cigarette smoke and a thick stench of alcohol from the previous night.
The same train brings him to and from work. The employees should know him by now, but yet none of the employees dare utter a single word to Will in fear of the devil. Wheezy himself isn't a very welcoming personality, considering he towers over most of his co-workers. In truth, he's a massive softy and having the even the slightest stink eye pierces his soul.


When he finally got to work he was to tired to argue his excuse as KingD approached, red in the face. He just stood there as he got lectured for missing a week of work.

King dice felt like he was talking to a stone wall. "If you keep this up I will fire you and give your contract to some other soul. " he hissed. The stone wall (William) shook his head slowly as his eyes hit the floor. King dice could see his lips moving in the shape of numbers. "Good for nothing-" he mumbled as he shoved past wheezy. "Sorry sir" he mumbled out as KD walked away.

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