Chapter 2

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Carly's POV

They said I broke my arm and that I would need a cast. I decided on a yellow one because of... BUTTER! When they were done it was 6:30pm. I walked out to the waiting room with a sharpie in hand.

"Hey Eric, wanna sign my cast?" I asked him.

He nodded and I handed him my sharpie. He wrote his name and gave it back to me. I asked Lisa if she wanted to sign it too but she said no. We went out to her car and I told her the way to the orphanage. Once we got there I said,

"Lisa if you ever need a sitter call me!" And I handed her my number. I ran up to the front door of the orphanage and saw every girl my age, 16, sitting in chairs. Someone was adopting..u And you'd never guess who it was!

Adam's POV

Today was the day. I already talked to my roomies about it and they said it was fine. I was going to adopt a kid. Well a teenager. 16 years of age to be exact. I already had it all planed out. I was going to the orphanage to adopt a girl 16 years old. The room was already prepared for her.

I left the house and drove over to the orphanage. I pulled up to the curb and got out of my car. I walked to the front door and opened it up. I walked up to the lady at the front desk.

"Um excuse me," I said "My name is Adam Dahlberg and I'm here to adopt a 16 year old girl. I set up an appointment yesterday for 6:00 pm."

She nodded and looked through some papers. She then said something through the intercom and told me to follow her.

"You will talk to each girl for 2 minutes, there are 17 girls. So in about an hour or so you could be a parent!" She took me to a door labeled 'Interview Room' and opened the door. it was just a room with a table and 2 chairs. The lady sat some files on the table and said,

"Each of these files has the name of each girl and her hobbies likes ect. I'll call the first girl in."

She walked out and a few seconds later a perky girl waring 7 layers of foundation and glitter walked through the door.

"Hi I'm Shimmer!" she said (Hunger Deams!!!!)

"Hey I'm Adam." I shook her hand and asked her some questions like,

"Do you like video games?"


"Do you watch YouTube?"


"Ever heard if Minecraft?"

"Yes I have! but it was from this loser girl, Carly." and with that her 2 minutes were up and she left. Kid after kid came in and I asked the same questions and I got the same answers. But every girl talked about this girl Carly. When I finally got to her turn no one came in. I waited and waited until the lady came in and said,

"Carly can't be found right now and she was the last girl, unless you want to wait for her to come there needs to be a decision."

"I guess I'll wait." I sat there and waited and waited and when I was about to leave a girl walked in with a cast on her arm.

"Hi I'm Adam!" I said

I heard her say "I know" very quietly.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"The names Carly." She said once again very quietly.

"You pretty shy huh?" I asked her.

She nodded and I asked her,

"What happened to your arm?"

"Well umm earlier today I crashed on my skateboard and long story short I had a big break in my arm. Luckly I didn't need surgery. Here we go next 9 months of my life!"(A/N I know casts don't stay on the long but I just wanted her to have it all through the school year 😄)

"Oh I'm sorry!"

"Not your fault!" and then I asked her the same 3 questions I asked everyone else.

"Do you like video games"


"Do you watch YouTube?"


"Ever heard of Minecraft?"

"I play it all the time!"

I smiled, she would be a great daughter. I called the lady into the room and told her,

"I want to adopt Carly!"

She nodded and while Carly packed I signed the paperwork. I was so excited to be her dad!

Adopted By SkyDoesMineCraftDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora