"schedules were going to get to complicated, so they decided to just part ways" jay says" luke is going to start promo on his new movie and harry was going to start writting and recording his new album they won't have time for each other, so what is your excuse for not talking to harry"

"mom stop" louis says

"louis, i know you love him and he loves you and he is at the point where he is tired of begging you to talk to him and to be honest, i am tired of having these conversations with you, and i am sure that your friends are tired of it as well" jay says in a stern voice" so talk to me"

"mom he hurt me" louis yells out

"yeah and" jay challenges

"i am scared to get hurt again" louis says still tears running down his cheeks

"louis we had this conversation before" jay says "you cant keep using that as an excuse as to not talk to him, look i talked to anne and she told me that, harry has always been the one to want to talk about things but you are the one that never wants to, lou, at some point he was going to get tired to wanting to talk, he is just giving you your space to decide what you want and I sorry to say i agree with him, so take this time that we are here to think of what you want, and if its not harry have the decency to tell him so he can move on"

"mom I love him its always been him, and even when i kiss someone else i always think of him" louis says

"well that is something you need to tell him not me" jay says" i am going back downstairs to help the moms make lunch"

"ok thank you mom" louis says as jay walks out of louis room and louis just falls flat on his back trying to not think about anything  but soon he hears laughter running into his room

"daddy" olivia says as she runs to louis as louis picks her up and hugs her

"what are you doing munchkin" olivia says

"wanna play with you" olivia says

"thought you were playing with poppa" louis questions

"she was but she kept asking for you" harry says as he stands at the door

"ohh, umm munchkin go play with poppa i want to change my clothes" louis says as olivia gets off him and goes to harry as harry picks her up and carries her not saying anything to louis, once louis is changed he goes down stairs and to the backyard where all the smaller kids were and starts to play with them

"daddy, i go in pool" olivia says

"sure come on lets change your clothes, then" louis says as he takes olivia and changes to her swimming suit and then they walk back out and louis gets in the pool with olivia, as harry just stares at louis

" i know you want to eat him" niall teases

"just he looks gorgeous, i just want to take him in my arms and never let go of him" harry says" when i went to him after everything that happened and  hugged him i swear i never wanted to let him go"

"i know we all saw it, but i think its time" niall says

"you know everytime i kissed luke it felt wrong, its wasn't louis" harry says" why do i need to move on, maybe i just need louis and the problem is that he is happy dating other people then i can't stop him or get in the way, its obvious that he wants anyone but me"

Secrets The Heart Holds - LARRY STYLINSON   MPREGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن