"Maybe another day," said Summer Rain softly to the kits, leaning down at licking Turtle Fin's head. "We're doing some dangerous stuff today. Maybe I'll show you when we get back."

The kits squealed with excitement and bounded back to their mother, Windswept Lily, who looked exasperated. Freckled Pool sent her a sympathetic smile, and the young queen flicked her tail gratefully before turning to Butterfly Wing, who was grooming her stomach, which was swollen with kits. Windswept Lily began to groom her friend, and the pregnant queen purred softly in thanks before closing her eyes and relaxing.

"Freckled Pool wants a mate," teased Dust Tail, making Freckled Pool flinch and whip around to glare at her brother, who was snickering.

"Yeah," Summer Rain agreed, grinning playfully. "I think she's had her eye on Shaded Moss for a while."

"Shut up, you two!" Freckled Pool hissed good-naturedly, flicking her tail at her brothers, who scattered, laughing.

"Talking about me?" Meowed Bramble Talon jokingly, approaching with Shaded Moss at his heels.

"Oh, StarClan, no," exclaimed Summer Rain in mock-horror and Bramble Talon swiped playfully at his fellow apprentice's ear.

"I'm going to kick your butt in training today, Summer Rain," Bramble Talon meowed, and Freckled Pool could hear the smile in his voice as he led the way out of camp.

                                                   * * * * * * * * * * 

"Alright. Welcome, everyone, to our joint training session."

Freckled Pool flicked her ear. The warriors and apprentices gathered around Owl Tuft, SwiftClan's deputy, were waiting patiently for the brown tom to explain their motive. Beside Freckled Pool, Summer Rain fidgeted a little, and Shaded Moss curled his claws into the hard-packed dirt.

"Today we're practicing two on one. Young warriors, we didn't cover this in your training, so we will now. Apprentices, always be aware of your opponent and remember that they aren't your real opponent. I'm going to get you in groups of three, and the young warrior will be the defender first."

After several minutes, Owl Tuft was standing in front of them all again. Freckled Pool glanced across the training area at Shaded Moss, who was sitting with Dust Tail and Sun Nettle. He twitched his ear to Freckled Pool in greeting before turning back to listen to Owl Tuft.

"Defender, always remember that you are facing two opponents at once," Owl Tuft was meowing. "Remember to check the positions of both enemies at all times, and never let your guard down. You may begin."

Freckled Pool got to her paws and stared nervously at her large clanmates. Clouded Sky had been made a warrior two moons ago, and yet he was nearly twice the size of her. Bramble Talon was also a large tom, and compared to the two of them Freckled Pool felt like a kit.

"Attack me," directed Clouded Sky, beckoning with one paw. "Remember to coordinate."

Bramble Talon crouched low, hissing fiercely. Freckled Pool did the same, feeling a growl rise in her throat. She and her friend circled Clouded Sky slowly, searching for a weak point. 

It was Bramble Talon who moved first: he swiped at Clouded Sky, who hissed and took a step back. In the moment of distraction, Freckled Pool turned and kicked at Clouded Sky's outstretched hind leg with her own. Her paw connected and Clouded Sky's leg collapsed beneath him. The fluffy grey tom had barely realized he was down when Bramble Talon let out a screech and leaped on him. The two toms rolled over and over on the packed and dusty earth of the training area for a few moments before Clouded Sky pressed Bramble Talon into the dirt, snarling. Bramble Talon squirmed, but Clouded Sky held fast.

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