Beware of the Rumor

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Eunji's P.o.v

After having that "little chat" with the principal, I feel so upset. I can't believe I'm getting suspended! That's not fair! He's the one at fault here, Not me! Now my clean record is ruined. I feel like crying, but I'm not going to let that Chansik guy see me cry. I'm not going to be so vulnerable.

The bell rings a soon as I step into the hallway. Great. I missed science, my favorite class. I walk to my locker and gather my textbooks. Since I'm now suspended, my mom is coming to pick me up. I can already hear her screaming at me. Feeling frustrated at myself for talking back to that spoiled brat Gong Chansik, I close my locker with a slam. I hold my textbooks to my chest. I'm going to have a lot of homework to do this week.

"Eunji! Why didn't you come to class? What happened between you and Gongchan?" Park chorong, my best friend asks me. I sigh and my eyes get watery.

"My clean record is ruined! I got suspended!" I blurt out as I put on a sad face. Chorong's expression is shocked.

"No way! How?" She asks as she holds me by the shoulders. I sigh and give her a 'long story' look. She nods in understanding. I walk past her, making my way to the front of the school. While on my way, someone harshly brushes their shoulder against mine, causing my textbooks to fall to the floor with a thud. Can this day get any worse?

"Yah! Watch where you're going!" I shout at the group of people that were in front of me. I gasp.

"Nerd," that Chansik guy chuckles. His group of friends, which are the most popular guys in school, also laugh along. All four of them are completely different, but have something in common: they're players. Baro, CNU, Jinyoung, along with Gong Chansik are the schools hottest guys and biggest players.

"Pick my books up now!" I shout. By now, I'm furious and I feel like punching him on the face. He looks at me like I'm some kind of freak. I stand there with my arms crossed while glaring at him.

"Whatever nerd," he whispers but loud enough for me to hear. Surprising me, He kneels down on one knee and starts picking my textbooks up. I'm just as in shock as are his friends and the people passing by. I can't believe he's actually picking my books up.

Gathering my books in his hands, He shoves them to my chest as he gets up. He looks at his friends and shrugs before walking away. They follow him while murmuring stuff to each other. I stand there, shocked at his actions. I had expected him to kick my books or step on them, but not to pick them up! I shake the confusion away and head towards the schools entrance, where my mother is already waiting for me with her arms crossed. Sheesh, she's scary.

Gongchan's P.O.V

"Woah, I never thought I'd see you doing something nice for that nerd," Jinyoung says. I send him a death glare and he looks away instantly. Jinyoung might be the leader of our group, but I'm the richest. He doesn't tell me what to do.

The reason I picked That nerds text books up wasn't because I was trying to be nice, it was because I pitied her. She got suspended because of me and she might be hated by the whole school because of me later on. Anyway, I just wanted her to see that I can also be nice. Today was definitely her worst day. She should of never messed with me.

"Yah, perhaps you like the nerd girl?" Baro places his hand over my shoulder as we walk to lunch.

"Baro yah, quit talking nonsense," CNU hyung tells him. I don't say anything. I don't like the nerd girl so why should I waste my breath explaining that I don't like her? Right? See, you have to be smart like me to survive high school.

-After school-

"Let's go bowling," Baro suggests after school with a cheerful smile.

"You guys go ahead. I have a meeting to attend with my father," I frown. They all nod and walk off. I sigh as I walk towards the limo that's waiting for me in the front of the school. I hop in and greet my driver.

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