Last Christmas

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"Merry Christmas, Luke!" Claudia said trying to get his attention.

Ashton watched as Luke pushed her off him.

Ashton sighed as he took a sip of his beer.

This is Claudia's first Christmas without her family.

Claudia took the intuitive of having Christmas with all her friends who also weren't celebrating Christmas with their family.

Luke and Claudia are always on again off again.

He usually does this around the holidays.

Last Christmas, Ashton remembers waking up to her calling him saying that Luke left her.

It looks like the same thing was about to happen.

"I love you." Claudia said to Luke.

"I have a friend who's supposed to show up. That's okay. Right?" He asked her.

"Oh yeah. That's fine." She said trying to hide her disappointment.

This hurt Ashton.

Ashton's known Claudia for three years, and she always puts her all into whatever relationship this is.

Ashton was starting to get pissed at Luke.

A couple minutes later, the doorbell rang.

He got up from where Claudia was trying to talk to him to answer the door.

A girl with dark brown hair came in on Luke's arm.

His mood instantly changed when this random girl was with him.

Even Claudia could sense that.

But still, she put on a brave face since this was her party after all.

Claudia went by Calum.

"I feel bad. I didn't know she was coming so I didn't get her a gift." She said.

"It's alright, Claud. By the looks of it, it looks like Luke was the only one who knew she was coming." He said patting her back.

Claudia went into the kitchen to see if there was enough food for anyone.

She walked in and gasped.

Claudia practically ran out when she saw what she saw.

"Claud, you good?" Daniel asked her.

"Mhm. Just need the bathroom." Claudia said.

Ashton went in the kitchen to see what was so shocking.

Luke was kissing that girl that just came in.

Ashton ran to the bathroom.

He started pounding on the door.

"Claudia, it's Ashton. Please let me in. I know you're not actually peeing." Ashton said.

The door slowly opened.

Claudia was on the floor crying.

Her back was leaning against the tub.

"It hurts, Ash. It hurts so much." Claudia cried.

"I know. I know it does." Ashton said comforting her.

"He did this last year too. And the year before that." Claudia cried.

"Then why are you still with him? I see how he treats you, Claud. He treats you like dirt whenever you're with him." Ashton said.

"Because I still love him." She cried.

He just held her.

"It feels like my heart was just ripped out of my chest." Claudia said.

"I know, babe. But you got to show him what he's missing." Ashton said.

She nodded.

Claudia stood up and splashed water on her face.

Claudia fixed her makeup.

"After all, it is my party." Claudia said.

"Oh, and one more thing." Ashton said.

Before she could even speak, he kissed her.

"Let's go show them who's the Christmas queen." Ashton said as he linked arms with her.

Inspired by the Ariana Grande cover of Wham!'s Last Christmas.

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