twenty two - scorpius

Start from the beginning

Scorpius didn't know how long kisses were supposed to last. How long did he want it to last?

It felt like a lifetime before Scorpius decided Albus's lips were probably numb (he was doing most of the work, after all) and pulled back, feeling like he'd just dismounted a broom that had been flying at top speed.

Albus's breaths came faster than usual, and Scorpius was surprised to see that he was blushing. Actually blushing.

They were still only an inch apart. There was a hint of a smile playing on Albus's face.

Scorpius felt it was his responsibility to break the silence. He had been the one to initiate the kiss, after all.

If he spoke, the moment would be broken. Hesitantly, he brought his hand up to Albus's face, tracing his cheek with the tips of his fingers. This time, Albus was the one to move forward, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

This one was different, Scorpius thought. It was softer, sweeter, and much shorter than the first. Scorpius could almost feel warmth spreading through every part of his body.

"I guess we have bigger things to worry about than a mere Potter-Malfoy friendship, huh?" Albus asked quietly, the corner of his mouth lifting up into a smirk.

Scorpius grinned, relieved that Albus could manage to completely eliminate any possibility of an awkward situation, and wrinkled his nose. "Can we please forget about telling people for now?"

"Gladly," Albus responded. "Let's just procrastinate on that bit. Now, I know that's not a concept you're familiar with-"

"Hey!" Scorpius attempted to look offended, but the smile on his face was probably a bit of a giveaway.

Albus laughed, and Scorpius felt the sound in every part of him.

It was so easy, being with Albus. It always has been, but it was different now. Scorpius didn't know what to expect, because whenever he thought he did, something new would happen. It was like that with Albus, he's learned, always an element of surprise. If he predicted left, Albus would go right. It was captivating and terrifying all at once.

"It took you long enough, you know," Albus said, adjusting the collar of Scorpius's robes from where they'd been ruffled.

"What? What do you mean?" Scorpius asked, jaw dropping slightly.

"Scorpius, for someone so smart, you're quite unobservant," Albus said, raising a brow. "I've been flirting with you since forever. Although I didn't know I was being serious at the time."

"Okay, first of all, we only met a few weeks ago, so that's a bit far fetched-"

"Hyperbole, Scorp," Albus grinned. "You know what I mean."

"Scorp? That's new."

"You call me Al now, it's only fair."

"Okay, fine. But you really expected me to catch on?" Scorpius pressed. Questions were streaming through his head faster than he could think. How did it start? How long had it been? They could have started this weeks ago.

"Uh, yeah. Most people do."

"Most people who you flirt with?" Scorpius raised an eyebrow, trying not to think about Albus looking at someone else the way he'd just been looking at him.

"I - just most people in general. I thought I'd have to make the first move."

"Well, I'm full of surprises," Scorpius said cheerily.

"Oh, are you?" Albus grinned wickedly, and Scorpius felt the blood rush into his cheeks.


"I'm kidding," Albus laughed. "Mostly."

Scorpius rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling fondly at his new... whatever Albus was to him. Boyfriend? Partner? Friend with benefits? He shook the idea out of his head, and decided he would worry about it later. Once he ran out of other possible scenarios to worry about, of course.

Despite it all, he was happy. And Albus seemed to be too.

He supposed that was really all that mattered.


it's about time, don't you think? ;)

we've finally come to the end! yay!

I hope you guys liked the ending, I'm pretty satisfied with how it came out!

please vote and comment if you liked! i would absolutely love to know what you guys thought! comments make me so happy :)

- gxldensnitched, signing off <3

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