My testimony

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My name is abby Perlman. I have two sisters, I'm the middle child. I'm only 16. I'm from new jersey.

Well I didn't grow up in a Christian home but I did go to church when I was very little. I was too little to know what anything meant, I don't even remember going to church, my mom told me she used to take me. I'm the only Christian I'm my house and all I can say is it's not easy. Everyone always curses around me and they're just doing the exact opposite of everything I'm doing. Yes, my mom and one sister go to church, but that doesn't make them a Christian.

I went to a public school all my life until 6th grade. And just like most kids, I got made fun of a lot and picked on every day. I sat next to these two older kids on the bus and they would tease me every day, I got off the bus crying every day. I remember that like it was yesterday.

When I was in 5th grade my older sister arielle got in trouble a lot so my mom made her go to a Christian school that year. I had a choice to go that year but I was scared so I didn't. I went the next year though.

My parents got divorced when I was 10 and my family just felt completely broken. Even when my dad did live with is, I still felt like we were broken. My escape from reality was actually going to school and learning about God, believe it or not. I loved learning how God could do all these awesome things and how much he loved me when I didn't even know who he was. But It took me until 10th grade, (last school year) to actually ask for forgiveness and dedicate my life to Him. Between 6th grade and last year, I've just been going through the motions- going to church and youth group and just not cursing. But this year I just realized how I wasn't happy and I wasn't getting anywhere with God and I was faking everything.

So I stopped faking. I told quite a few people that I couldn't talk to them anymore because they were either bringing me down, or making me a worse person, etc. after I did that I felt lonely and miserable. (This was at the end of 2013) but I knew that i needed to get them out of my life. So I prayed and asked God what I was supposed to do now. He told me to get into His word. Study it. Pay attention in church, don't just go through the motions. So that's what I did

I recommitted my life to him for real this time and actually started living, acting, and being a Christian. I went to snow camp in February and gave God all I had. I think that's where I truly got saved. I went on a mission trip a few weeks ago and it was the most amazing trip I have ever been on. I got so many opportunities to share God's love with people. It was just a beyond amazing experience. And now that I'm saved, I'm a lot happier, I'm living for God, I'm sharing His word with tons of people, And I'm getting deeper and deeper into God's word. And I love it. I think I took so long to dedicate my life to God because I was scared to change my life around. there were so many things happening and I was scared that If I did a 360 that I would be in an even worse position than I already was in. but now, look where I am. I don't regret it at all.

I just want to challenge you to do devotions every day. Practice God's word. And, Eventually, share God's word with everyone. everyone has their ups and downs but with God right next to you, you can get through anything. Philippians 4:13.

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