Yoongi took a few bites and looked up at Yunjin who was enjoying her food making him smile a little.

"So Yunjin, tell me why you're still with that dickhead Sunghyun," Yoongi asked making Yunjin take a bigger bite from her food.

Yoongi rolled his eyes slightly before taking a bite from his food too. Yunjin took a few minutes to chew her food before swallowing.

"I'm still waiting," Yoongi said.

She looked at him debating if she should answer or not. After a few seconds, she finally decided.

"Because he loves me," she responded.

"Don't lie, what is the real reason?"

"I'm not lying."

"Yunjin, seriously. Why are you still with him?"

She looked down at her food and played with the little that was left on her plate for a few seconds before looking at Yoongi.

"Sunghyun is my first boyfriend and the first person who said they love me other than my family," she responded.


"So what?" she asked looking at him.

"So why does that matter in the conversation of why you're still with him."

"Because Yoongi, he is my first boyfriend and that is important."

"Yunjin, have you only spoke one word in your whole life?"

"No?" she responded.

"Exactly, you've spoken your first word but it didn't mean you didn't say other words. It doesn't end after the first, Yunjin. You'll find more boyfriends after Sunghyun, boyfriends who might actually treat you right and not go off to flirt with other girls."

Yunjin stayed silent in response for a few moments.

"What if I don't, you know. What if Sunghyun is the only boyfriend I'll ever have," she said.

"Well I mean, if you don't, Tinder can hook you up," Yoongi responded causing Yunjin to laugh a little.

"You should use Tinder too since you won't let me hook you up with a girl."

"Nah, it's fine," he answered finishing up his food.

"Should we go?" she asked noticing he was done with his meal.

"Yeah, let me pay and we can go," he said ushering a waiter to the table. He handed him his card and looked over at Yunjin who was checking her phone. He unintentionally started admiring her face before being interrupted by the waiter giving his card back.

Yunjin looked up and smiled, "Let's go?"

"Yeah," he said getting up from his seat.

Yunjin held onto his arm tightly and they walked out of the restaurant. As they waited for his car to be pulled up, she moved in closer to Yoongi for some warmth. Luckily, his car came just then and Yoongi helped her in before getting in himself. He then began driving.

"Hey Yoongi, give me your jacket. I'm cold," she said tugging on the jacket he was wearing.

"No, get your own jacket," he said.

"Please Yoong, don't you want your precious friend to be warm," she said prompting Yoongi to take his jacket off and handing it to her.

She grinned happily in victory and set the jacket on her lap and put her arms under it.

After a little while, Yoongi pulled up to her home and helped her out of the car. He slowly walked her back to her door for safety reasons, of course.

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