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Thursday 6:42 PM

me: my throat hurts

yoongshit: well who told you to scream so loud last night

me: you little shit

me: it's your fault

yoongshit: you can't blame me for being so good



yoongshit: i did bitch

me: i swear i will kick your ass to hell

yoongshit: oh no

yoonshit: i am so scared

me: be scared you brat

yoonshit: uh huh

yoonshit: are you free tonight?

me: no i am $100-$150 tonight

yoonshit: i hate you

me: no, you love me

yoonshit: it's about to be hate if you don't answer the damn question

me: lmao why does it matter if i am or not

yoonshit: i need you to listen to a demo of a song

me: why me

me: can't you ask namjoon to listen to it

yoonshit: he is busy

me: uh huh

me: can't anyways

me: i have a date with sunghyun

yoonshit: why would you go on a date with that

me: excuse you, that is my boyfriend and people go on dates when they are together idiot

yoonshit: i am older than you, you should be calling me oppa not idiot

me: idiot

me: and it is only by 3 months

yoonshit: i am still older

yoonshit: so it is oppa to you

me: i'll call you oppa once you grow as tall as aristotle 2.0

yoonshit: namjoon?

me: that's what i said

yoonshit: lmao

me: anyways, i have to go get ready. i'm suppose to meet up with him in like 30 minutes

me: we're getting dinner at the thai place that just opened and then we're seeing a movie

yoonshit: wow, what a perfect date

me: i guess

me: byeeee

Thursday 7:32 PM

me: hey

me: do you still want me to listen to your demo

yoonshit: i thought you had a date with mister charming

me: he never showed up

yoonshit: shit sorry

yoonshit: mister shithead**

me: lmao shithead is a bit extreme

yoonshit: shithead is what he is

yoonshit: isn't this like the 5th time he's done this

me: something must have came up

yoonshit: you mean someone must have came up

yoonshit: i'm telling you, i saw him with this chick the other day and he had his hands all over her

me: he said he was at his parents

yoonshit: you really believe that??

me: ...

me: do you want me to listen to your demo or not

yoonshit: i'll come and pick you up

me: thank you

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