Chapter Six

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What the hell. I'm under Adrian... no way!

I turned to Adrian. He was looking at me with the silly smile from his corner of the lips on his notorious face as he always do.

I had my eyes widened.

'Can we change the trainer?' I asked innocently. 'Adrian will be busy so....'

'Word is a word, Natalia' Said Margret strictly. 'You can't play with agreements. And I told you nobody else is free!'

I grimaced and agreed.

Thinking of one year training with Adrian... that means holding the hell on the hand. Damn it!

'And one more condition' broke Suzy. I and Adrian Both turned at her. 'Nobody must know That both of you'll are from our families. You'll must act like strangers on office.'

'Yeah that's right.'added Margret. 'Lucky none of them knows about You'll or seen you'll. Doing like this will help us to keep an eye on company'


I went home after having dinner. Mum and da were both still at office. I heard that they were arranging for some charity event. I got inside my bedsheets and start glaring at the ceiling.

Working one year with Adrian.

Oh god... just few hours ago I decided that I will avoid him. Why does he keep on blocking my way,

I want to go far away form his world especially because of one reason. Just one reason we gave up on everything.

The more we get close, the more we go back to eight years.



A week passed.Today was our first day to be on office.Oops. There's nothing called our, it's mine. I waked up on time. I had a quick wash, the got into my office trousers and a matching white shirt. I looked at the mirror.

Do I look dull? Nat will look awesome in her office attire. So? Why do you care? I don't give a shit. Honestly but I want to look at her all day long.

I added some hair gel to my hair. Then I sprayed my favorite perfume which I have been choosing it from years.

Now I don't look dull anymore. Any how nobody have never told be so!

Finally I grabbed my shoes and dashed in to my car. Within few minutes I reached the office. This was the first time I stepped inside here, although it was our company, I have only seen its exterior huge ten storied, with a well architecture, white building.

Ms. Angelina who was grandma's secretary introduce me the building and escorted me to my cabin. The surrounding were painted by brilliant white and beige. The corridor walls were holding valuable art works.

I really love my new office room too. It was pretty better than my old one. The glass surrounding gives the nets view of the whole city boarded by the light blue amazing sea.

Clutching of the door broke the silence. I was still looking outside wondering who must it be. I get a familiar flowery aroma filling the cabin.

I turned. what I saw really amazed my eyes. I had the weird sensation like tickling my heart when ever I catch her eyes. Those back hair on a high pony tail. Those green eyes and rosy lips. She is really a natural beauty. Any boy will like her on seconds.

Nat was super pretty with that white shirt tucked in the pencil pants. She was wearing a pointed heal shoe, hanging an ideal bag on her left hand arms.

'Adrian. I was just wondering....

'Don't you have a habit of knocking the door before enter?' I asked her trying not to show my feelings.

She was glaring at me with those lovely green eyes, which always tried to distract me.

I looked away.

'There's a lot of things to train you' I continued trying to examine a file which was on top of my table.

'I'm sorry Mr. Radcliffe .' She told me looking annoyed.

What ! When did she ever call me by my surname?

I cleared my throat and looked at her as if I have just ignored her new kind of respect for me. According to my memories, she have called me with ill natured names like donkey, idiot etc.

'Ahem...' Natalia broke the silence when I have accidentally set my eyes on her for quite long time.

'Mr. Radcliffe. This is my first day to office and your my trainer.' She told me on an obvious manner.

'Yah, I know that' I answered.

'I would like to know that for what post will I be trained to?"

Actually grandma never told me about the post. I just wish if she become my personal assistant.

'Ms. Margret wants me to give this letter to you" she passed me an envelope with narrow eye brows. I can just say that she's inquisitive about the letter.

I sat on the corner of the table and pulled it open , then began. I read the letter thoroughly. Lmao! I smiled to myself behind the white paper, so Natalia can't see me. Now I can treat her arrogance.

Natalia was still standing on front of me.

'You will be trained to a secretary.' I Said her raising my brow. 'I assume that you really needed a good post, so here you go'

She had her eyes wide with surprise

'What! Secretary. That's an ama... secretary' I cut her off with folding the paper. I felt that her enthusiasm faded after my words which she suddenly changed that word ama... to as 'an amusing job'

I dialed to the receptionist who was just on front of my office room and ordered her to come in.

'Yeah it might be amusing' I Said looking at her although I couldn't.

But you have signed agreements with gran..sorry! I mean Ms. Margret and Ms Suzy. So now anything couldn't Be undone'

As the receptionist Cathy arrived, I ordered her to escort Natalia into her new office room.

I knew she was about to tell Amazing. I dunno how she's just hiding her feelings from me. Although I'm not a degree holder on psychology, I can just tell about a person on how they look.

No Adrian. Sometimes you might be wrong. She have got no feelings about you anymore. She's not the little sixteen year old girl which she was eight years back. Now she's grown up on inches and inches. Well matured. I never thought eight years back that she would be this beautiful. I really have to say this. She's having a stunning figure.

A lot had change. A lot had to change. She's not old Natalia anymore.

Anyway! I have start erasing those feeling about her which once I had. I don't give a damn shit to her beauty. She's not the only Human female being in this world. I can get many girls standing on queues with just a snap from my finger.

But none can be like her. My damn mind. Can you stop interfering my decisions..

Anyway. I came here from Australia confirming that I will forget everything and don't care about anything anymore.

MY NOTORIOUS SOUL MATEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن