Chapter 7: Finally, We're Getting Somewhere

Start from the beginning

“Go bother Konan,” I roll my eyes at him.

“That’s a good idea,” he comes to his feet and strokes Cat’s cheek as he walks by. “See you Pussy Cat.”

Gaara’s P.O.V

She shakes all over as I hold her to me.

“You okay?” I hold her tighter.

“I th-think so, I don’t l-like him very much,” she whispers. She looks up and kisses my cheek, accidently kissing the corner of my mouth. “Oops. Thanks for pulling my away from him.”

“No problem,” my lips still tingle from her kiss. If we were the only ones here I might actually kiss her, but 3 Akatsuki members are still here.

“You’ll have to get used to him, un, Hidan explains himself as ‘sexy’, un, but I explain him as ‘annoying’, un,” Dei says.

“I agree with you Dei,” she says.

“I think he’s really dumb,” Tobi says.

“Not as dumb as you trying to fly, un,” Dei laughs.

“Sori told us to distract Noketsu so I acted dumb, like how I was dumb to let you push me into the oven,” Tobi argues.

“It wasn’t acting dumb Tobi, un,” Dei says.

“I will be right back, I am going to have a talk with Hidan,” Sasori tells me and Cat.

“Yes, thank you,” Cat says. Sasori nods and walks away. Dei and Tobi stay and argue.

“Oh, and Cat,” Sasori pokes his head back into the room. “Don’t be hugging like that for long; Ino should be back in about 10 minutes.”

Temari’s P.O.V

Shika slings a kunai at me but I use my weapon fan as a shield. All he can use is kunai since there aren’t any shadows.

“I give!” he shouts.

“We’ve only been fighting for 25 minutes!” I tease.

“So?! Wait-25, I need to wake Ino up,” Shika runs to wake her up. My arms fall to my side as I watch him go. Why does everything have to do with Ino?

“Ino wake up,” Shika says, shaking her shoulder slightly. Ino looks up at Shika and holds her arms out; he picks her up and holds her like a baby. I kneel down and pretend to clean my weapon fan while I really watch them out of the corners of my eyes. She’s standing now and Shika seems to be telling her something. She nod and makes a hand sign.

“Temari, where’s Baki?” he asks me.

“I don’t know,” I look around. “Don’t worry; I’m sure he’ll be here in time to fight.”

He walks to me,” Fight? Who said anything about a fight?”

“Noketsu probably won’t go down without a fight,” I close my favorite weapon fan and strap it to my back.

Noketsu’s P.O.V

I struggle against the bounds around my feet first, kicking my sandals off and slipping my heel out of the thick rope. I glance around to make sure no one was watching me. I pull a kunai out of a secret back pocket on my Akatsuki cloak and go to work on my hand bounds. It’s slow but worth it once I’m free. I do quick work of my feet and netting, then I pull the tape off of my mouth. I look around quickly and do a hand sign. The next thing I know, I’m standing outside my house but inside the barrier. Doing another hand sign, I remove the barrier. Stupid Akatsuki…

Shikamaru’s P.O.V

“Woah! Did you see that Shika?!” Temari points to the pitch black hole.

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