34 ; no emotions

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Everything Roman had told Charlotte, he stood by it. He stayed home with her, helping her calm down with all the baby news.

"So, I got some news," Roman said climbing in bed with her. She sighed as she sat up from the bed. "You don't seem too excited about my news," he chuckles rubbing her belly. "Ugh, when you do that, it feels real," she groans. "Well, believe it, baby. It's happening."

She sighs. "OK, what's going on?" She asks. "You look mad," he says. "Do you want a kiss?" He teases. She scoffs. "I want food and a kiss isn't going to feed me," she says, laying back down. Roman chuckles as he rubbed her back.

"Your dad called me," he said. "Yippie," she said sarcastically. "When?" She asked. "Last week. He's coming to see you today," he says. Charlotte groans. "Does that mean I have to tell him about this?" She asks. "If you want to," he says.

She sits up. "The last time I talked to him, we got into a fight because he thinks that Bobby's a good fit for me," she says. "And now he's gonna pull the disappointment card on me, and that's the last thing that I want right now."

"Last thing you want or last thing you need?" He asks. She scoffs. "What's the difference?" She says. "Alright. He's coming over for dinner. What do you want?" He asks. "Peace," he says. Roman laughs as he picks her up from the bed.

"Come on, mama," he smiles as she sighs. "What is it gonna take for me to make you smile?" He asks as he makes her whine. "Fine, you can kiss me," she said. "Yes," he smiles as he leans down and kisses her lips. She smiled before pulling away.

"So you gonna help me cook or what?" He asks. "Doesn't being pregnant make daddy do all the work then?" She teased. Roman laughed. "Your hands work. Now, what are we having for dinner?"

334 words

HEYYY!! Sorry for the wait and a short chapter! I feel like I haven't been doing anything on Wattpad lately. Basically been having Mo Bamba stuck in my head...

Next chapter is basically going to be when Ric comes over. I'm not sure what should happen after that, whether they should find out about the baby or Charlotte being upset that Roman has to go back to work. I'm not sure.

Also, I might be starting another Charreigns book soon. Well, one out of the two. It's a sequel to Imma Dog Too. Just wanted to let you guys know before I actually publish it.

Now that I think about it, I have 3 more Charreigns books coming out: Loyal (the sequel to this book), Perfect Time (sequel to Imma Dog Too), and Whatever It Takes (random story). Why do I do this to myself...

Next chapter will be up soon!!

Love you all!!


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