33 ; the truth prevails

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"Yeah, I know, Becks."

Charlotte sniffed as she wiped her eye with her sleeve. She'd been crying for practically no reason for the past ten minutes. She was home by herself, waiting for Roman to come home, while she was on her two-week bed rest.

"I know," she exhales. "You'll be OK. Joe's gonna come home and you're gonna tell him, everything, alright?" Becky says. "I can't," she sobs. "I just can't." "Charlotte, you know you have to. If I could, I would tell him for you, but it's not my business."

"I don't want to," she sobs. "I don't want to tell him," she exhales. "Oh my god, he's home," she sighs. "Ashley, listen to me," Becky says trying to calm her down. "Wipe your face and talk to him. He's been wanting to have a baby with you since the minute he got a divorce."

"Just be honest with him." Charlotte closed her eyes as more tears fell from her eyes. "I gotta go," she cries before hanging up the phone. She put it down as she walked down the stairs, seeing him sit on the couch.

"Hey, baby," he smiled, not looking up. He eventually did when he realized that she didn't answer back. "Ash, what happened?" He said walking up to her. She shakes her head. "I can't tell you. I-I just can't tell you what's wrong," she sobs. "Of course you can," he says making them sit on the couch. "What's wrong?"

"You're gonna be mad at me if I do and then I don't know what I'd do with myself knowing that I made you mad," she says. "Nothing you can do or say will make me mad at you, Charlotte," he says wiping her face. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I lied to you," she cries. "I lied to you for almost three months and if I tell you what's wrong, you're gonna tell me to leave and go back to North Carolina and then I'll be alone again," she says. Roman sighed as he brought her to his chest.

"Charlotte, I need you to breathe for me," he whispers as her sobs got louder. "Stop crying and breathe for me," he said stroking her hair. It always calmed her down, whenever his hands were tangled in her hair. It was her safe place.

"You OK?" He whispered. She shook her head as she moved her head to Roman's lap, curling herself up to his legs. "You wanna tell me something?" She shook her head. "Whenever you're ready?" He asked. She exhaled shakingly as she nodded.

He reached over for the blanket at the side of the couch and draped it over her body. He went back to playing with her hair, making her drift away.

A couple hours had passed and Charlotte and Roman were still in the same position. Roman had fallen asleep as well but woke up before Charlotte did. He felt her turn her head, to see him looking at her.

"Hi," he smiled. She turned away from him, before going back to her original position, on his chest. "You ready to tell me?" He asked. "I'm pregnant," she whispers. "What?" He said, not believing what she was saying.

"I got food poisoning. Then Becky's and Naomi's went away, but we all just assumed that mine was still going. Then Becky made me take tests because you and I had sex on our anniversary and I kept complaining about my boobs getting bigger and they were hurting all the time."

 "One came out positive while the rest came out negative and Becky made me go to the doctor, which is why I came home later than I said I was," she continues as she feels him start to make circles on her back.

"The nurse took a test and she confirmed that I was pregnant. She said I was two months, so which means that I'd been wrestling while I was pregnant, and I never even knew," she pauses as a tear falls. "Then I lied to you about the hypothetical question, when it didn't have to do with me and it did, but I was," she pauses as she closes her eyes.

"I'm just really scared. I mean, I can't have a baby. I don't even think I'm doing a good job with Joelle and she's six. And then I'll be home, alone. With our son or daughter, who has no control over what they want and I'll just be a mess, waiting for you to come home and do all the work," she inhales sharply. "Then I'll be the woman who had her boyfriend take care of her baby."

"Hey," he says rubbing her shoulder. "I'm glad you told me, Ash," he says. She shakes her head. "You're just saying that so I won't go crying again," she says. "Ashley," he says. "Look at me," he said. She shakes her head again. "I can't."

He takes her chin and lifts it, making them look at each other in the eye. "You know JoJo loves you. She's been calling you 'mommy' since the first day she saw you," he said. "And you know I would never, ever leave you to dust because of our job," he says.

"If you're having a problem, you know I'll be on the first flight home. If you want, I'll take a week or two off jus to take care of you," he says. "No. I can't let you do that," she says. "Hey," he says getting her to look at him.

"As much as I love and care about my fans, you and JoJo and our baby are my number one priority. I don't have a title right now. I'll take a break, spend more time with you, help you out with the baby prepping, take you to appointments, whatever you want."

"Just tell me that I'll be OK," she whispers. He plants his lips on hers, kissing her softly and gently. "Everything'll be OK. I promise you."

1,005 words

HEYY!! Sorry for the wait! Wrote this chapter about an hour ago, while watching How To Get Away With Murder. If you got Netflix, you better watch it! It's so fucking good!

But Charlotte finally told Roman about her pregnancy. What do you guys want to happen in the next chapter because I honestly don't know what should happen?

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be up soon, hopefully. Fingers crossed...

Love you all!!


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