[ 05 ]

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we lie because we love.

nina: god! cooper!

me: shit, i'm sorry! i can go get towels or napkins or something - i can even wash it out if you want.

nina: it's okay, coffee stains aren't that bad.

me: i'm sorry.

nina: yeah, haha... i should be going now.

me: let me buy you a latte to make up for spilling my coffee all over you.

nina: no, i really must be going. 

me: you probably had coffee already, yeah. sorry if i seem off.

nina: why would you be off?

me: so how'd your date go?

nina: oh, uh, it was nice.

me: did you bone him?

nina: we - cooper!

me: what?

nina: that's not okay.

me: you boned him. i can tell.

nina: fuck off. 

me: you know i was kidding, right?

nina: i really can't deal with you right now.

me: deal with me?

nina: yeah, cooper. i'm sick of you butting into my life when i've been perfectly clear that i don't want you anymore.

me: you think i'm so thick that i can't figure that out on my own? i've moved on, nina. you're the one that's stuck in the past.

nina: you've... what?

me: i've moved on. 

nina: are you-?

me: dating someone? yeah.

nina: oh.

me: ...

nina: that's good.

me: sorry for yelling. 

nina: it's fine. i'm happy for you, i was starting to think you were stuck on me or something. 

me: i should be going now.

nina: that's my line.

me: goodnight, princess.

fading voices [ the SEQUEL to little talks ]Where stories live. Discover now