III ~ Notes

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Richards Point Of View

I leaned on the edge of the hardwood desk in the Opera's office, scornfully eyeing a popular French newspaper.

" 'MYSTERY after Gala Night', it says 'MYSTERY of Soprano's Flight', MYSTIFIED! All the papers say, 'We Suspect Foul Play...'

"Bad news on soprano's scene...gossip's worth its weight in gold...first Carlotta now Christine...still, at least, the seats get sold..." I mumbled, brow furrowed.

"Diva tenders resignation, cover does a moonlight flit. Half your cast disappears but the crowd still applauds, Opera! To hell with Bach and Mozart, have a scandal and you're sure to have a hit!" I said, my voice rising with each syllable.

At that moment, Ryan burst in, yelling, face red. "Damnable! Will they all walk out? This is damnable!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, setting the newspaper down.

"Ryan please don't shout! It's publicity! And the take is enormous..free publicity!" I said, looking at him with eyebrows raised.

"But we have no cast!" Ryan said, throwing his hands up.

I interjected, holding up a letter. "Ryan, have you seen the mail? Ah, it seems you've got one as well..."

I handed Ryan his envelope, which was a pale eggshell color. It was addressed to "Monsuier Sitkowski, Opera Populaire, Paris" in elegant, swooping handwriting in a deep purple ink. Andre opened it and began to read it out loud.

"Dear Ryan,

What a charming gala! Emma was, in a word, sublime. We were hardly bereft when Carlotta quit, I must say in all honesty. On that note, the diva's a disaster, must she be cast when she's seasons past her prime!?! Signed, O.G."

Ryan stared at me, eyebrows raised, letter clutched in his hand.

I shrugged and opened my letter, which was addressed to me in the same handwriting on the same paper.

"Dear Richard,

Just a brief reminder...my salary has not been paid. Send it to the care of the ghost by return of the post, which is P.T.O. No one likes a debtor so it's better if my orders are obeyed! Signed, O.G."

"Who would have the gall to send this?" Ryan said angrily.

"Someone with a disturbed brain." I answered.

"These are both signed O.G." Ryan said, staring at the notes.

"Who the hell is he?" I asked.

"Opera Ghost!" We said simultaneously, putting two and two together.

"It's nothing short of shocking, he is mocking our position!" I said, crossing my arms.

"In addition he wants money!" Ryan chimed in. "What a funny sort of specter!"

"To expect a large retainer, Nothing clearer, he is clearly quite insane!" I concluded, nodding smartly.

The office door slammed open, and in strode Joshua, who looked quite upset.

"Where is she?!" he howled.

"You mean Carlotta?" I asked, bewildered.

"I mean Miss Daae! Where is she?" Joshua said, rolling his eyes.

"Well how should we know?" Ryan said grumpily, who had sat down and put his feet up on his desk.

"I want an answer! I take it that you sent me this note!" Joshua said, shaking a familiar eggshell-colored envelope in Ryan's face.

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