X - The Master Plan

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Joshua's POV

    I stood on the stage with Ryan and Richard, along with the Marshalls we hired. We stationed their policemen at each door of the theater, all of them ready to lock the doors. Hiding in the orchestra pit was a marksman we had placed there with a gun, who could easily aim at Box Five. The Chief called to his men, saying, "You understand your instructions?" A severe "Sir!" Followed. The man continued. "When you hear the whistle, take up your positions. I shall then instruct you to secure the doors. It is essential that all doors are properly secured." He said, and Richard shifted nervously.

    "Are we doing the right thing, Ryan?" He asked, and Richard sighed. " Have you got a better idea?" The chief turned to me, and asked, "Monsieur le Vicomte, am I to give the order?" I nodded, folding my arms. "Give the order."

    The Chief blew his whistle, and the Policemen ran to their posts, leaving us on stage. I called to the Marksman in the pit. "You in the pit - do you have a clear view of this box?" I asked, and he popped his head up, looking up at the box. "Yes, monsieur." I sighed, nodding. "Remember, when the time comes, shoot. Only if you have to - but shoot. To kill." I said, and he looked confused and nervous.

    "How will I know, sir?" He asked, and I waved dismissively. "You'll know." Firmin wrung his hands nervously. "Monsieur le Vicomte, are you confident that this will work? Will Miss Daae sing?" He asked, and I grinned. "Don't worry, Richard. Ryan?" I asked, turning to the other manager. "We're in your hands, monsieur." He said, and the Chief tapped me on the shoulder.

"My men are now in position, sir." he said, and I nodded. "Go ahead, then." The Chief sounded his whistle again, and shouted out into the House. "Are the doors secure?" He called, and exit doors were slammed, the men answering "Secure!" One by one. The orchestra fell silent, and a shock of terror shook my body as a quiet, silky voice floated ominously through the air.

"I'm here...the Phantom of the Opera...." It sang, and everyone looked around apprehensively, and the men started to run in the direction of the voice. From somewhere entirely different, it came again. "I'm here...the Phantom of the Opera...."

Again they ran towards the voice. This happened several more times, the knot of anxiety growing in my gut as the voice darted more bewilderingly from place to place. Finally it was heard from Box Five, and in the confusion, the idiot marksman fired a shot. I rounded on him furiously, yelling, "Idiot! You'll kill someone. I said: only when the times comes!" He looked bewildered, saying, "But, Monsieur le Vicomte--"

    The Phantom's voice again cut in, filling the entire theater, commanding and amused at our efforts. "No "buts"! For once, Madame le Vicomte is right. Seal my fate tonight - I hate to have to cut the fun short but the joke's wearing thin. Let the audience in. Let my opera begin!" He shouted, and then his voice disappeared into the dark.


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