saving the Iowas

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We had been submerged for 7 hours heading for one of the 3 trenches that had been made on the sea floor to counter the rising tides. I had been watching as something popped up on the radar. (BB-61 [Iowa class]) "Uss Iowa", (BB-62 [Iowa class]) "Uss New Jersey", (BB-64 [Iowa class]) "Uss Wisconsin".  Then less than 3 seconds later (BB-63 [Iowa class]) "Uss Missouri" Appeared on screen. All 4 of the ships are part of Sean's navy.  I watched as zera flipped a switch and then all the lights turned red.

Then time and the words time tell hit appeared on the screen. I looked at the radar the Iowa class battleships were close to on top of us. Then on another screen, a diagram appeared showing the Iowa class ships and another one showing the other ship with the name, Шторм (Storm).  8 24inch Long Quad mounted main batteries 4 on the front 4 on the back, 4 16inch shot tri mounted secondaries 2 on the front 2 on the back, 8 19inch torpedo tubes,  10 missiles launching bays, and 4 seawolf systems. Minimum of 17 inches thick on the hull 22 inches thick on the guns and conning tower. Powered by a fusion core reactor. I had a flashback to when I was still in school to become a warship designer. Everything was the same, everything down to the placement of the maned guns.

Sorry for the horable drawing but this is what we have for it.

Sorry for the horable drawing but this is what we have for it

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I looked at the specs for the 4 battleships. They were all the same updated armour and guns.  But not enough to pen the Shtorm.  I saw zera arm 4 torps and flood the tubes. Then without saying a word fire them. I watched as the impact time was going, 1:00, :59 ,:58, :57, :56, :55, :54, Then another screen came on showing 4 blue lines with a timer. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I watched as on radar the Shtorm slowed down, then the 4 Iowa class battleships evaded from the zone.

Then the sub jerked sending me flying across the command room, then blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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