Victory over all

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Today the fore leaders of JRIG announced the new leaders. Japan had elected Raguesls again, she is 76 and not in the best for fitness. Russia elected Sigurd, he says that he would like to have better living conditions for civilians. Italy elected Malice, she is ex-military. Germany elected Athena, she is ex-military Kommando Spezialkräfte to be exact. She sees the world for what it truly is. A burning wast land with almost no living thing left. She is also the youngest leader of all fore, but at the same time, she is the most ambitious and 32.

She is also my older sister. 6 years older than me. The nice part about it is that we know get to move to the capital of Germany know, Frankfurt. It uses to be Berlin but US bombing runs flattened almost all of the city. both Mom and dad died in the bombing run. Our brother Arch saved us and made sure to protect us until he joined the training for the army, and became the admiral of the fleet of the fog.

My sister made a lot of changes to the German government. She had Germany become the main research division of JRIG and made tons of massive advancements to ships, farming, and human life. She also had a memorial for all the lost people in times of war. But with that came the people who did not like that she did all of these great things. Ines Draak, Alexander Draak names were put on a plake that was on it. Finally giving our mother and fatter a peaceful place to rest. Along with that our the names of all the people who gave their lives to save others.

Niclas Dahlke, Tom Hamburger, Sigmund Hammerschmidt, Kunz Schult, Patrick Friedberger, Marc Schulhof, Marcus Drachmann, Martin Söllner, Urs Thomas, Stanislaus Breslauer, Helene Umlauf, Felizitas Steinhauer, Madleen Buchholz, Layla Stosch, Corina Ehrenstein, Agnes Brodmann, Linda Schwarzenbach, Emelie Bahnsen, Oda Mencken, Patrizia Bergmann. They all died during the finale fight with china.

Athena knows that soon Arch's name will join the names of all of them.

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