Chapter 1: The Invitation

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Light peeks above the horizon, its hands reaching out to envelop everything in in its warm, rosy embrace. The dawn has made its appearance, announcing a new day upon the land. Creatures of all sizes and instincts stir at the coming of the sun.

I had always loved the dawn. It reminds me of my mother. Her eyes were a beautiful rosy pink like the dawn sky, her Livkings taking after that.

I chuckle to myself. Livkings. Everyone says they are a blessing... A blessing from the Stars. The word itself simply means "life markings." Livkings are as natural as freckles but as vibrant as a tattoo. Each person has their own amount and their own meaning varying from person to person. Some you are born with and others appear at pivotal points in your life, many of such ones are shared. As soon as you get a clear view of someone's Livking, you know exactly what it stands for and the power extended to the host.

A scowl takes over my features. That is the very reason they are not a blessing, not for me. The Livking upon my forehead is a death sentence in itself if it were discovered. My father and brothers had done whatever they could to avoid anyone seeing: Denying invitations to balls, minimizing the staff, anything. Those who knew were very few. Even so, I still wear a head covering should a visitor arrive. I normally spend my time engrossed in a book, whether for recreation or my lessons.

Today, I had discarded the heavy material and done my thick, wavy hair up in a simple bun and sat with the book that my tutor would be covering later that day. Mother had said that my Livkings were odd in themselves. The color was of no importance; they matched my eyes just like everyone else. However, the green was so bright that it seemed my fair skin was decorated with jade stones.

Losing interest in the writings before me, I examine the Livkings on my inner forearms as I have done countless times. One word pops into my head as I do: Grace. I trace the distinct outline of the marking with my mind, following it's pattern. Though it is completely exposed to my inspection, I only need to see a portion of a Livking to understand it. This is my Talent. Everyone else would need to see the whole thing to know what someone's Livking truly meant. This is why I keep my face covered. No one may know.

Not yet.

I clench my fists and turn out the window, sickened by this.

Why me? I ask myself. Why must I be the one to carry these marks? Why?

"I didn't want this," I whisper to no one. My gaze shoots to my mirror and hardens.

"Why was I given this burden? Don't you think I wanted a normal life?" My voice grows in volume and intensity as I throw the book, hoping to break the mirror, but I miss, hitting the wall next to it. Stalking over, I shout at my reflection, demanding to know the answers I knew it could never give me, the blood within me boiling at these lingering questions. Finally I reach my breaking point and punch the mirror, shattering it and bloodying my knuckles in the act.

Slowly retracting my hand, I watch as the would-have-been scars vanish without a trace: a side effect of my Livking.

No one may harm me unless they have Authority given to them. Namely, the King or Queen in power, in my case, King Roland. Suddenly calm, I turn to the book I threw and pick it up. It displays beautiful golden calligraphy on its face: Royal Families of the Ages.

I turn to the latest entry and look at the picture it holds. A beautiful family really, displayed in black and white. King Roland Kanari III was a third generation king; his son, Keanu (key-AH-new), next in line. Keanu's mother is not pictured because she died birthing the boy. Man now, I suppose. We were born on the same day almost 20 years ago. Who would have known that we were so different? Usually, I am reserved, a lady in every sense of the word except when I am provoked as you have just witnessed. Keanu, on the other hand: you couldn't find a more power hungry, corrupt, royal brat anywhere. Clichè, I know, but it's true.

There was a time when I contemplated marrying him. If that were to happen, then the land of Erenor would have its rightful ruler and he could have the throne. Win-win, right? Maybe to a 10-year-old.

Now that I see what kind of man he turned out to be, I am glad that such a childish thought was thrown out the window long ago.

I close the book gently. Despite my distrust and dislike of Keanu, he is Crown Prince of Erenor, and I must show proper respect to that, but I can chose to disobey his order because he holds no Authority on his skin. One is born with this Livking when the royal line becomes corrupt or incapable to bear an heir. Twenty years ago, on a day when only three children were born despite how vast and populated this land is, it happened again: One born of royal blood, one born to a farmer (who died as a child from the same sickness that took my mother), and one born to a Lord, my father.

I bear Authority upon my face, of which Keanu is greatly jealous. This led him to put out a bounty on my head despite his not knowing my identity, and somehow making it a law that if anyone were to bear Authority and the King was not aware of it, the guilty party and anyone willingly involved in helping them will be put to death.

Such a foolish dictation. He had forgotten about the inability to kill the heir without the Authority of the King. King Roland would never have allowed such an edict to proceed, but now he has no choice but to obey.

I am scared, not for myself, but for my family, those whom my father has care over, the people of Erenor. If I die, they suffer. If I die, so does Lily.

"Mina." I hear her and turn to see her standing in my door.

"That's not my name, Lily."

"I know." She struts across my floor and plops down onto my bed. Only six years old and walks around like she owns the place. A small, semi tense moment goes by before I speak.

"Is there something you needed?"

"Mister Sun needs you."

"His name is Sean, Lily."

"Sun, Sean. Same thing. Still, he says it's important; something about a ball you need to attend? Well he says your premier dress is ready. What does that mean? I thought you were supposed to.." She keeps talking, but I no longer hear her. I gaze fearfully at the shattered remains of my mirror, a common sight in my room.

My skin runs cold. It can't be. It's still two weeks away. But then.. Why else would Father want to see me about a ball?

It's the ball I've been dreading, the only ball I must attend, especially since I bear Authority. There I must make a display of the power contained in my Livkings. There, at the palace, I must face King Roland and, more terrifyingly, Keanu. There I will be discovered whether I like it or not: The Coronation Ball.

Livkings:   the UprisingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz