Wash x Reader-Making things even

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"You are a damn idiot Agent Washington!" (S/N) screamed tossing the empty gun at Washingtons visor, throwing him offguard; before he could regain his bearing (S/N) kicked the underside of his chin causing him to hit the ground hard. With wash still on his back (S/N) took the opportunity to plant one foot on his stomache, further preventing him from getting up. Washington (as the rookie) had made the mistake of shooting (S/N) in the leg last mission, putting a bit of hinderence on the mission. This training session, she decided to get even with the insanely optimistic freelancer. "Next time check who you are shooting at." (S/N) stated before walking out of the training area, removing her helmet.

Washington proceeded to sit up shaking his head; next to him was York, scoffing at him as he leaned against a pillar in the training area. "Rookie you need some work." he stated before walking off smirking. Washington rose to his feet rubbing the underside of his face looking around to see if anyone else had witnessed the rather embarrassing ordeal before walking out into the hallway. He hadn't meant to shoot (S/N) in the leg, he had been a bit too jumpy and when she came around the corner he had taken the shot. Needless to say she was in a terrible mood after that. Everyone else just started to jest at him and laughed about it whenever they saw either of them.

Washington proceeded to sit down at the table in the break room sighing. South and North were also there, both peering at him, breaking their conversation. "Whats with the long face over there Wash?" North asked raising an eyebrow, a slight smirk on his face. "(S/N) beat you up again?" South added sarcastically. Washington wrinkled his nose in a mix of pain and humiliation. "You know instead of trying to beg for her forgiveness and keep getting your ass kicked why don't you try something else?" South leaned back looking at the rookie.

-Time skip Yeet-

(S/N) pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she prepared for a debriefing of the next mission. As the door opened she saw Wash standing directly in-front of it, looking more serious than she had seen before. "Training room, in five." was all he had said before walking away, leaving (S/N) slightly stunned and reluctant. Shaking her head she readied herself for another fight yet again.

As she entered the room she cracked her knuckles, she could see Wash warming up his shoulders not saying a word or offering numerous apologies as before; appearing to be quite serious and concentrating. As the buzzard sounded both approached each other with caution and their fighting stance. Some of the freelancers appeared to watch this round, expecting another humiliating loss to Washington yet again.

(S/N) made the first move, aiming toward Washingtons face with a left kick. Washington immediately ducked, grabbing (S/N)'s right leg, taking her down hard. Having the upper hand, Wash immediately leaned his body over (S/N) to keep her pinned, feeling her punches to his side he immediately grabbed her right hand as to subdue the blows, as well as locking her legs with his. (S/N) continued to struggle against his weight ending up on her hands and knees as Washington than hugged her waist tightly before picking her up and slamming her on the ground. (S/N) winced as the air was knocked from her, her cheek pressed against the floor as Washington worked to secure a choke hold. (S/N) turned on her side giving Wash a hard elbow to his eye causing him to momentarily pause before dealing back the same blow to the back of (S/N)s head.

(S/N) struggled against Wash and his attempts at a choke hold as her stomach was pressed against the ground; she tried landing a blow to his face since he was on top of her making it harder. She tried again but this time Wash caught her left arm firmly, flipping her over he managed to trap her in an arm bar, (S/N) growling and bearing her teeth as Wash pulled her arm. No matter how she struggled she could not break the lock he had. "Tap or Snap (S/N), your choice." Wash panted, pulling her arm tighter causing her to yelp in pain. (S/N) waited, looking up, the shock on everyone's face was unbelievable, Wash never had the upper hand in a fight. Closing her eyes (S/N) tapped on Washes leg. 

He immediately released his grip, (S/N) rolling over rubbing her left shoulder in defeat. Wash then reached out his hand, staring at it for a few tense moments (S/N) sighed and took gripped it. Wash helped her on to her feet, his face bruised and sweaty, (S/N)s probably more so. "I guess we're even then." (S/N) stated a slight smile coming into view. Wash looked at her sighing in relief. "Yeah.. How bout we get something to eat?" he asked as (S/N) put her arm around his waist and he around her shoulders. 

"Sure. Why not?"


Ok so I've been inactive, I'm sorry AIGHT. But im starting to rewatch the seasons of RvB tbh because its been a while. Also I love UFC fights if you couldn't tell XD

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