And so they rolled in to town

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It was Authers turn to lug the 60kg cart towards ponyville were there next gig was to be held. Auther was part of a small band who were trying to settle down and become bigger, the only problem was nobody seemed to like the punk rock genra they all enjoyed so much and ponyville was basicly there last straw.

"we've been walking for ever" Frank complained yet again.

"We have litrally walked 10 minutes from our last brake!" Chris yelled back at him. He was afraid to show how tired and fed up he was unlike Frank.

"Both of you shut up, I have the worlds' biggest headache and your shouting is not helping!" Emily over shouted every pony despite this fact.

James stayed quiet, he too had a headache and keeping his mouth shut was getting rid of it unlike his gobby friends.

10 miniutes turned into an hour and they were still 2 hours left to walk before they arrived.  Auther sighed "I-I-I can't carry the cart anymore!" he fell flat on his face and tryed not to burst into tears. Why couldn't they just catch the train like every over pony; That's right, Chris had wasted the last of the money on an new amp. They didnt really need it plus it just added more weight onto the cart.

Chris pulled onlong side him and helped pick Auther up for the cold rockey path. "Don't worry, little one, I'll pull it till we reach out main destination"

Emily frowned at Chris with disapprovle. She knew he was messing around and having fun but Auther would take it the wrong way. Chris shugged his shoulders and didn't dare argue with the alicorn.

Walk, walk, walk. However they reached there destination and they all collaped down on the grass panting and celebrating the end of their boring journey.

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