_ One_

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I head to the boardroom. Through the blinds, I counted about five people seated. I walked in and she, who I assume to be the director stands up and stretches her hand for an handshake. "Rachael Madeline, Director of the FBI, New York city." I smile and return the handshake, "June Chrysler" I say politely. She nods and gestures for me to take a seat.

Madeline begins, "June Chrysler will be joining this team. Sorry for any inconveniences but there can't be any reversals".

One of male agents sits up and clears his throat, "Why does it have to be this team?"

Madeline replies, "Well, because I chose this team. So I'll be leaving you to catch up. I've other things to attend to" She stands up to leave.

Before she finally walks out, she turns to me and says sweetly, "I do wish you a nice time working with us, Agent Chrysler." With that, she steps out of the room. I can feel pairs of eyes from different angles of the room boring holes into my face so I face the door instead.

"Alright, mind giving us a proper introduction?" One of the females agents asks me.

I look up at her for a while and nod. "As earlier said, I'm June Chrysler. Transferred here from Washington. Agent..? I told her "

Turner. Kesley Turner. FBI forensic specialist" She looks to the others and introduces them.

Aaron James (Agent James). I look over to him and he smirks. I give him a small smile in return.

Christian Jacobs (FBI Special agent Jacobs). He just keeps a blank face. I inwardly roll  my eyes.

Blue Thorne (FBI agent Thorne). She just shrugs.

"I feel so unwelcomed" I mutter under my breath.

"That's because you aren't" Throne mutters rather loudly.

Agent Jacobs phone beeps, Madeline wants to see us in Operations (Ops). He says loudly. We start heading in that direction, by " We" I mean "them" and me tagging along.

Madeline points at the large screen. "This man was arrested for transporting some illegal chemical materials. We don't know what they are yet so I've sent them to the lab for testing and they should be out soon. In the meantime, Agent Jacob I want you to interrogate him and let's see what he knows. Turner, pull out security footage on him and every detail you can. Chrysler, Thorne, head to the lab and look through the test results, they should be out by now, see if there is anything we need to know about these chemicals."

As I was heading out, Turner taps me. " They'll come around, trust me. They've just been so used to being a team for so long and a new person coming in is just not so cool for them. She smiles. And I owe u a tour later. " I nodded and thanked her. I already like her.

"Agent Chrysler" Agent Thorne calls out, cutting short my conversation with Turner.  We start walking to the lab. One of the lab attendants hands over the results to us.  She explains some things to us and leaves us to go through the results. The chemical formula of this substance is C7H5N3O6, that means it is TNT (Trinitrotoluene) . I say quietly my eyes widening. The one here is PETN (Pentaerithritol tetranitrate)" Turner tells me. We both share a look and head back to Operation.

"They were transporting TNT and PETN. "I breathed out as I stepped into operation.

"Those are explosives used to make R- bomb", Agent James eyes widened.

I ran through security footage from the last one hour, he got a call and then he heads to this pickup point, picks the chemical materials and starts driving in that direction. I ran a check on the pickup vehicle and scanned the logo. And that's KL CORP. "Turner tells us her findings".

ChryslerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ